Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jenna Stroke Piercings

study Rosignano with Gaia Scuderi and Robert Bongini

stage Rosignano summer vacation with Gaia Scuderi Roberta Bongini

For the summer we have an event that would give both the opportunity to enjoy a maritime area which to study and deepen Arab dance. For the "fun" will be held mornings at sea, and group dinners at which they can adhere freely to interested we could provide the names of out hotels for our members.


Friday, July 3 pm-00 19-00 alle21 expressive dance technique taught by Arab Gaia Scuderi eRoberta Bongini.

Sabato 4 luglio dalle 16-00 alle 20-00 ritmi arabi e gestualità della danza tenuto da Roberta Bongini

domenica 5 luglio dalle 11-00 alle 15-00 coreografia per assolo su tabla tenuto da Gaia Scuderi e Roberta Bongini

Costo dello stage: 130 euro iscrizioni entro il 10 giugno versando il 50 % della somma a Marco Manetti tramite vaglia postale a lui intestato

per info 0586792452


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