Friday, March 13, 2009

Dental Forceps And Their Names

March 5 hours 9:00
The "champions" are called to report Face to Face, is out of the virtual, and switching to real knowledge, and knowledge that 'a ride required if you want to get a sharing of knowledge. The climate is 'very informal, and the event is an alternative method and nice to get feedback, both coming during the initial discussion, but also between coffee and biscuits'. c \\ _ /
The idea of \u200b\u200bbreakfast, 'and then started with the intent to realize the relationship until now remained virtual, or otherwise limited to a fleeting greeting, and to start than others and do not know who 'sitting next to me, through the desktop, I can easily get the name, where employed, What does, or I can see who 'the colleague to whom I sent an email, or who is' one who organizes dinners souschi!

addition to this goal of "formalization" of relations, is a DEMO proprosta piattafoma concerning the operation and its main components. Compared with earlier versions, and that this instrument 'for its changing nature, is significantly changed, then the demonstration is intended to establish and use mostrarene (who does not and 'expert in the use of the PC): how to access, how to customize it, if you encounter any difficulty' to go, the potential 'and the new widget. In particular is the descrtitta TIMELINE showing birthdays, new arrivals, the changes made by other members on their profile, or desktop (that way you try to encourage more activities' eg through imitation. Though in many add a windget, most likely will be 'useful or amusing then I try to add too). Another feature recently added and ' WORKPLACE shows the layout of the building in which the champions can be placed according to their workstation, and then easily identify. Especially success seems to have the House and then checks the "traffic " table in the area during the lunch hour, and the Board : a blackboard in order to restrict the use of e-mail sent to all Fbk that often overload the already 'messy inbox researchers.

sonetters The question that we pose, and pose the champion and 'then " whether and how this tool can' influence the management of relations in Fbk, whereas the objective (of migiorare sharing and communication) and distributed in the future to all users ". Focal
seems to understand what's working and what's FUNNY must be on deck, and if it 'possible to combine the two dimensions. When and what social function must be the instrument, and focus on what features need to promote the use, as only a constant use by desktop users will be able to make more 'useful, systematic, operational and fun.

Another question that emerges and 'related to privacy, all data obtained from the platform, just as happens with all the technological tools, are collected and stored, then you are working on a Privacy Polis be submitted to future users , which will be 'explained how the data collected will be used (as an aggregate and anonymous) and that purpose will be spent.

After this first meeting, finally mangiaaaaaaaaaaa! But the encounter is not 'ended, continuing the exchange of opinions, advice, I try my prospective interviewees, prospective respondents are trying to understand what I'm doing them, are open questions on the shooting platform ... etc. At 11.30
ends breakfast, Ogun returns home office and there is a Boom of activities' carried out on the platform by the champion.


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