Wow ... Already more than two months that I do not write on the blog. -_-'
Well, thanks to the approach of an intense underwater spring, I'm back here!
Yeah, soon I start with the diving course for the Explorer 2. An excellent opportunity to learn many new things to new people: we all know that there is no single way to go underwater and open-mindedness is crucial in this sport.
In this pause, a bit 'desired, a little' need (as much work and what makes me feel alive in a peaceful and sublime) I heard that Walter I miss so much, that not a day passes without thinking of him at least once.
I peeped in the Family SNSI, especially through the support and the availability of two wonderful people (Fulvia and Alessio) and very genuine helped me find a new path to follow underwater.
My buddy showed me the will to go forward, you want to complete the Adv and then move to the Rescue. May seem low, but it made me incredibly happy, proud, encouraged to improve even more.
Well, I miss diving, as always. But finally it is almost still and will be a totally new, because I definitely want to stop learning something new every dive ...
And speaking of "new" under the pretext of the dives for the Explorer 2 I had to do some 'adjustments of the equipment, including a bit' of having shopping subbaqquo ... The masterpiece is certainly the new S40 for oxygen which I promptly "ubikizzato ... =-) How are ddddio tamarro! :-D

forgot: the SNSI has put online the new site, really well done, bright, welcoming in every way reflects the spirit of the Family. There he is!
however I also updated the link found at the bottom right.
ps I promise to update more often ... :-P
pps account of going to see "Sanctum" and a duty to post review ...
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