Two to the number of students on the course, Group Has Been Divided H2 and will be sitting the exam on different days. PLEASE check Which You Have Been assigned day.
Mid-Module Test Group H1 - Friday 14th January, 2010, 8:30 to 10:30, Room 6
Mid-Module Test - Group-H2 Wednesday January 12th 8:30 - 10 , 30 Hall 6
Register No. Name Last Name
Addario Maria Elisa Alessandrini
161 105 70
Aureli Silvia Roxana
Bernassola Nahema 116 22 93 Frank White
Bloisi Luana 2
Bonavigo Serena 71
Brusco Blue 67
Buresta Marta 89 91 Ross
Sara Cappolella 75
Ceraolo Alessandra Casale Federcasse 38 54 26
Cinelli Federica
Ciocci Ludovica Clazzer Martina
31 17 61
Coluzzi Giulia D'Achille Federica D'agostini
107 162
Laura D'amato 86
Constance D'Amico Arianna Roberta D'Onofrio
111 109
Or by Monica Paola 39 49 24
De Bonis Elisabetta De Castro Esther
147 130
Annamaria De Gennaro De Meo Serena De Mico
37 19
Eleonora Francesca Della Rocca 80
Meca Desjana 156
Dezi Alice 83
Vvincenzo Stefania Di Di Biasio
113 120
Enza Di Niccolò Macio 85
Di Manno Maria Irene Martina Di Tommaso
45 23 20
Wild Veronica Ferrante Sara Roberta Up
32 87 33
Fioravanti Giulia Fortunato Ross 29
Stefania Fracasso
Frangione Rosaria 140 119 68 Sharon Frasca
Galassetti Jade 13
Gava Giorgia
Gesmini Antonio 25 43 112 Alessandra
Giangirolamo Fulvio 69
Daniela Giannetti Silvia Gianni
152 53 21
Ginersio Frederic
Grammar Mara Flaminia 171 131 35 Anna Grasso
Harriri Sara
Iacobacci Violetta 40 94 100 Maria Kwon
La Sala Federica
Lazzini 90 9 Veronica Piera
Lever 8 11 Amanda Lombard
Magni Francesca Grace 165 158
marttey Paola 99 Chiara
Massenzio Valentina Massi
79 96 60
Mazzoli Martina
Half head Gianalberto 144
Ewa Kamila Ewelina Skaut
Malgorzata Kopaczewska
Kamila Wyszynska
Encaoua Alice
Mid-Module Test-H2 Group - Friday 14th January, 2011 10.30 - 12.30 Aula 5
Albergati Ilaria
Arfiero 55 77 Valentina Francesca
Calicchia 115
Giulia Colucci Patrick Camuso 46
Channel 42
Noemi Cruz 142
Krisha De Michele Antonio Di Goia 74
Egiddi Claudia Morena 72 10 52
Driven Sara Elizabeth 102
Monaco Valentina Moriconi Federica
88 57 163 Alessandro
Sanda 118 Walnut
Notarianni Marialuisa 34
Ilaria Nucci 139
Nunziata Chiara 1
Claudia Palazzi Palese
Lucia 141 47 84
Pandullo Joseph Panetta Matteo
Pope Alexander 98 103 159
Pecchia Manuela
Pignataro Stefano Valeria Pizzichini
101 143 30 Sabrina
Pocci Daria
Derrick Ross 56 114 14 Francesca Reale
Sabatucci Silvia Giulia 95 36
Jessica Sasso 4
Savari no Valeria 175
Scarcelli Chaira
Settele Miclela 82 50 27
Simio Carmen Silvia 15
Spallotta Francesca Giorgia 157 136
Stegher Sofia Ramona 63 65
Stracca more
Ragsdale Marco Antonio 155 137
head Arianna 16
Todoran Georgiana
150 108 Anna Tortorella
Tudisca Claudia
Vertullo Ilenia 12 28 59
Viani Arianna
Vigliotti Serena Wu Yiqing
7 3
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Cricket Bat Stickers For Kookaburra
Please DO NOT PANIC if your name is not on the list below. Contact me via email, listing the dates of the lessons Have you attended and I will check the register.
Exam dates to follow.
GROUP H2 - Students Eligible FOR MID-MODULE TEST
Albergati Ilaria Maria 161 55 105 Elisa Alessandrini
Arfiero Valentina 77 70
Aureli Silvia Roxana
Bernassola Nahema 116 22 93 Frank White
Bloisi Luana 2
Serena Bonavigo 71
Brusco Blue 67
Buresta Marta Giulia 46 89
Channel 42 Noemi
Cappolella Sara Ross 91 75 38
Casale Federcasse
Caucci 115
Ceraolo Alessandra Francesca Cinelli Federica
54 26 31
Ciocci Ludovica
Clazzer Martina 17
Colucci partitions 121
Coluzzi Julia Cruz 61
Krizha 142
Achilles Federica D'agostini
107 162
Laura D'amato 86
Constance D'Amico Arianna D'onofrioRoberta 109 111
Paola D'urso
39 49 Or by Monica
De Boni De Castro Esther Elizabeth
24 147 130
De De Meo Michele Antonio De Serena
37 74 19
De Mico Eleonora Francesca Della Rocca 80
Desjana Meca
Dezi Alice 156 83 113
Di Di Biasio Enza 120
Joy Morena Maci
72 85
Nicholas Di Maria Irene Mann 45
Martina Di Tomm 23
Egiddi Claudia Veronica Feroci
10 20 32 Sara Ferrante
Up Roberta Giulia Fioravanti
87 33 29 Ross
Stefania Fracasso
FrangioneRosaria 140 119 68 Sharon Frasca
Galassetti Giada Giorgia Gava
13 25 43
Gesmin Antonio
Giaccherini Alessandra
Giangirolamo Fulvio 112 69 152 Daniela Giannetti
Ginersio Frederic John Silvia 53 21
Grammar Mara Flaminia 171 131 35 Anna Grasso
Harriri Sara Sara 52 40 94
Iacobacci Violetta
100 Maria La Sala Federica 90
Lazzini Veronica Piera 9
Lever 8
Magni Francesca Grace 165 158
Massenzio Chiara Paola 99 79 96 Valentina Massi
Mazzoli Martina
Half testaGianalberto 60 144 102 Elizabeth
Monaco Valentina
MoriconiFederica 88 57 163 Alessandro
118 Walnut Sandra Notarianni Marialuisa 34
Ilaria Nucci
Nunziata 139 Palese
Chiara Lucia 1 141
Pandullo Joseph Panetta Matteo
84 98 103
Pope Alexander Pignataro Stefano Manuela
159 101 143
Pizziconi Sabrina
Pocci Daria 30 56 114
Derrick Ross Francesca Reale 14
Sabatucci Silvia Giulia 95 36 4 Jessica Sasso
SavarinoValeria 175
Scarcelli Chaira
Settele Miclela 82 50 27
Simio Carmen Silvia
Solini Giorgia 15 157 136
Stegher Sofia 65
Stracca more
Ramona 63 137 Marco Straccia
Tesse Antonella Testa 155
Arianna 16
Todoran Georgiana
TortorellaAnnalisa 150 108 12 Claudia
Vertullo Ilenia 28
Viani Arianna
Vigliotti Serena 59 7 3
Yiqing Wu
Please DO NOT PANIC if your name is not on the list below. Contact me via email, listing the dates of the lessons Have you attended and I will check the register.
Exam dates to follow.
GROUP H2 - Students Eligible FOR MID-MODULE TEST
Albergati Ilaria Maria 161 55 105 Elisa Alessandrini
Arfiero Valentina 77 70
Aureli Silvia Roxana
Bernassola Nahema 116 22 93 Frank White
Bloisi Luana 2
Serena Bonavigo 71
Brusco Blue 67
Buresta Marta Giulia 46 89
Channel 42 Noemi
Cappolella Sara Ross 91 75 38
Casale Federcasse
Caucci 115
Ceraolo Alessandra Francesca Cinelli Federica
54 26 31
Ciocci Ludovica
Clazzer Martina 17
Colucci partitions 121
Coluzzi Julia Cruz 61
Krizha 142
Achilles Federica D'agostini
107 162
Laura D'amato 86
Constance D'Amico Arianna D'onofrioRoberta 109 111
Paola D'urso
39 49 Or by Monica
De Boni De Castro Esther Elizabeth
24 147 130
De De Meo Michele Antonio De Serena
37 74 19
De Mico Eleonora Francesca Della Rocca 80
Desjana Meca
Dezi Alice 156 83 113
Di Di Biasio Enza 120
Joy Morena Maci
72 85
Nicholas Di Maria Irene Mann 45
Martina Di Tomm 23
Egiddi Claudia Veronica Feroci
10 20 32 Sara Ferrante
Up Roberta Giulia Fioravanti
87 33 29 Ross
Stefania Fracasso
FrangioneRosaria 140 119 68 Sharon Frasca
Galassetti Giada Giorgia Gava
13 25 43
Gesmin Antonio
Giaccherini Alessandra
Giangirolamo Fulvio 112 69 152 Daniela Giannetti
Ginersio Frederic John Silvia 53 21
Grammar Mara Flaminia 171 131 35 Anna Grasso
Harriri Sara Sara 52 40 94
Iacobacci Violetta
100 Maria La Sala Federica 90
Lazzini Veronica Piera 9
Lever 8
Magni Francesca Grace 165 158
Massenzio Chiara Paola 99 79 96 Valentina Massi
Mazzoli Martina
Half testaGianalberto 60 144 102 Elizabeth
Monaco Valentina
MoriconiFederica 88 57 163 Alessandro
118 Walnut Sandra Notarianni Marialuisa 34
Ilaria Nucci
Nunziata 139 Palese
Chiara Lucia 1 141
Pandullo Joseph Panetta Matteo
84 98 103
Pope Alexander Pignataro Stefano Manuela
159 101 143
Pizziconi Sabrina
Pocci Daria 30 56 114
Derrick Ross Francesca Reale 14
Sabatucci Silvia Giulia 95 36 4 Jessica Sasso
SavarinoValeria 175
Scarcelli Chaira
Settele Miclela 82 50 27
Simio Carmen Silvia
Solini Giorgia 15 157 136
Stegher Sofia 65
Stracca more
Ramona 63 137 Marco Straccia
Tesse Antonella Testa 155
Arianna 16
Todoran Georgiana
TortorellaAnnalisa 150 108 12 Claudia
Vertullo Ilenia 28
Viani Arianna
Vigliotti Serena 59 7 3
Yiqing Wu
Monday, December 13, 2010
Dragon Ball Mount Position Doujinshi Grátis
The students listed below are Eligible for the mid-module test. Please DO NOT PANIC if your name is not on the list and you think it should be. Contact me if this is the case either by coming to ricevimento on Wednesday 15th December (10:30 - 12:30)or sending me an email listing the dates of the lessons you attended and if you changed register number at any stage.
Benedetti Rachele
Boldrini Valentina
Branchesi Raphael
Capezzutto Marta
Cellucci Ilaria
Cervini Giordana
Chessa Maria Grazia
Cirenza Federica
Colaiacomo Andrea
Cozzolino Valeria
Crusco Sara
Cucchiaro Carola
D’Ammassa Valentina
Del prete Francesca
Di Fratta Arianna
Di lelio Laura
Dottori Julia
Duluta Otilia
During Micol
Ferri Sara Ferri Sara
1 2
Serena Valentina Fraticelli Jennifer Funaro
Furtado da Silva Ana Carolina
Antonio Gius Elisa
Giustini Deborah
Iallorenzi Carmen Grillo Eleonora
Francesco La Malfa Sara
Lombardo Eter
Magliocchetti Tatiana
Brown Federica Giulia Molinari Giulia
Morelli Sara
Moscow Alexander Stephen Nicholas
Accountants Chiara Michela Alessandra
buzzing Fabiana
Daniel Simmons Romina
Spinarelli Alessandro
Spinelli Elisa
Tomassetti Roberta
Tudda Teresa
Vaia Francesca
Voci Chiara
Zumbo Alessandro
The students listed below are Eligible for the mid-module test. Please DO NOT PANIC if your name is not on the list and you think it should be. Contact me if this is the case either by coming to ricevimento on Wednesday 15th December (10:30 - 12:30)or sending me an email listing the dates of the lessons you attended and if you changed register number at any stage.
Benedetti Rachele
Boldrini Valentina
Branchesi Raphael
Capezzutto Marta
Cellucci Ilaria
Cervini Giordana
Chessa Maria Grazia
Cirenza Federica
Colaiacomo Andrea
Cozzolino Valeria
Crusco Sara
Cucchiaro Carola
D’Ammassa Valentina
Del prete Francesca
Di Fratta Arianna
Di lelio Laura
Dottori Julia
Duluta Otilia
During Micol
Ferri Sara Ferri Sara
1 2
Serena Valentina Fraticelli Jennifer Funaro
Furtado da Silva Ana Carolina
Antonio Gius Elisa
Giustini Deborah
Iallorenzi Carmen Grillo Eleonora
Francesco La Malfa Sara
Lombardo Eter
Magliocchetti Tatiana
Brown Federica Giulia Molinari Giulia
Morelli Sara
Moscow Alexander Stephen Nicholas
Accountants Chiara Michela Alessandra
buzzing Fabiana
Daniel Simmons Romina
Spinarelli Alessandro
Spinelli Elisa
Tomassetti Roberta
Tudda Teresa
Vaia Francesca
Voci Chiara
Zumbo Alessandro
Sunday, December 12, 2010
What Your Period Should Look Like
The final lessons before the Christmas break will be on
Monday 13th - H1
Wednesday 15th - H2
A list of those students who have enough attendance to be eligible for the esonero will be posted on this blog after these dates. PLEASE consult blog to find out if you are on the list and the date and place of esonero.
The final lessons before the Christmas break will be on
Monday 13th - H1
Wednesday 15th - H2
A list of those students who have enough attendance to be eligible for the esonero will be posted on this blog after these dates. PLEASE consult blog to find out if you are on the list and the date and place of esonero.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Where Are Glory Hole In Eugene Or
III Year - Vocabulary Text
Please buy the text below before Christmas and begin to work on it during the Xmas holidays. The CD-Rom is excellent - make use of it!
Oxford Word Skills - ADVANCED. O.U.P.
You obviously need to study the whole book if you want to bring your vocabulary up to C1 level. However, to begin, do the following chapters:
Introduction - Please read the introduction as it will explain how the book works.
Expanding your vocabulary - all units
News and current affairs - all units
Concepts - units 138,142,148
Written English - units 68, 69, 70
Please buy the text below before Christmas and begin to work on it during the Xmas holidays. The CD-Rom is excellent - make use of it!
Oxford Word Skills - ADVANCED. O.U.P.
You obviously need to study the whole book if you want to bring your vocabulary up to C1 level. However, to begin, do the following chapters:
Introduction - Please read the introduction as it will explain how the book works.
Expanding your vocabulary - all units
News and current affairs - all units
Concepts - units 138,142,148
Written English - units 68, 69, 70
Free Jib Jab Type Cards
English Language I - results of written examination Inglese 03/12/2010
Nome Cognome Matricola Risultato
M . C. 1329304 Insufficiente
M. M 1132455 Insufficiente
M. G. 133459 20
M. S. 1204173 18+
M. A. 1278086 Insufficiente
M. S. 1334985 20
P. C. 1320167 18
P. E. 1215152 Insufficiente
Gli studenti possono visionare il proprio compito nell’orario di ricevimento
( mercoledì ,10,30 -12,30).
Nome Cognome Matricola Risultato
M . C. 1329304 Insufficiente
M. M 1132455 Insufficiente
M. G. 133459 20
M. S. 1204173 18+
M. A. 1278086 Insufficiente
M. S. 1334985 20
P. C. 1320167 18
P. E. 1215152 Insufficiente
Gli studenti possono visionare il proprio compito nell’orario di ricevimento
( mercoledì ,10,30 -12,30).
Monday, November 29, 2010
Iphone Mute Except Alarm
Practical Usage - Recommended Sections
1. 240-headlines
2. 147- emails
3. pages xvii - xxv – language terminology
4. pages xxvi- xix - common mistakes
5. 255 - idioms, collocations and fixed expressions
6. 308 – 312 - kinds of English
7. 389 - numbers
8. 445 - prefixes and suffixes
9. 473 – 479 - punctuation
10. 509 -512 - sentence structure
1. 240-headlines
2. 147- emails
3. pages xvii - xxv – language terminology
4. pages xxvi- xix - common mistakes
5. 255 - idioms, collocations and fixed expressions
6. 308 – 312 - kinds of English
7. 389 - numbers
8. 445 - prefixes and suffixes
9. 473 – 479 - punctuation
10. 509 -512 - sentence structure
Friday, November 26, 2010
Jake Long American Dragon Yaoi
Lingua inglese I° Anno (E-L Leyland, M-Q Hillan) Lingua inglese II° Anno (Wilson)
Lo scritto di Lingua inglese del 3 dicembre sarà in HALL 5, Villa Mirafiori and not in the Hall 6 as previously disclosed.
Lingua inglese I° Anno (E-L Leyland, M-Q Hillan) Lingua inglese II° Anno (Wilson)
Lo scritto di Lingua inglese del 3 dicembre sarà in HALL 5, Villa Mirafiori and not in the Hall 6 as previously disclosed.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Pokemon Fire Red Master Ball Cheat Gpsphone
Of Sharks and Men ...
Watching " Oceans", an image in particular caught my attention and vibrated the strings of my heart ... harmonics in fact I had already glimpsed in the trailer, but then I had seemed so impossible to categorize as "boh , reeks of post-production ... .
But it was all true. But it was possible ... More than thirty dives in five days to give to Perrin images never seen before, to me a delicious heart sank, the protagonists emotion unique.
There are men who do not stop, who have the courage to go beyond risking more than is asked. If we all learn, we progress, we are confident that humanity can still be done, it is thanks to these modern pioneers.
So a huge "thank you" to François Sarano (below) and his team ... because you made me almost cry with emotion ... =-)
PS I bow in front of his equipment as "vintage" always has its charm and apparently does not take much to get that far ... ;-)
Watching " Oceans", an image in particular caught my attention and vibrated the strings of my heart ... harmonics in fact I had already glimpsed in the trailer, but then I had seemed so impossible to categorize as "boh , reeks of post-production ... .
But it was all true. But it was possible ... More than thirty dives in five days to give to Perrin images never seen before, to me a delicious heart sank, the protagonists emotion unique.
There are men who do not stop, who have the courage to go beyond risking more than is asked. If we all learn, we progress, we are confident that humanity can still be done, it is thanks to these modern pioneers.
So a huge "thank you" to François Sarano (below) and his team ... because you made me almost cry with emotion ... =-)
PS I bow in front of his equipment as "vintage" always has its charm and apparently does not take much to get that far ... ;-)

" You know which one is more strong, he does not know. He just used to seeing animals fleeing before his attacks. Which for him means being in front of potential prey, so it can continue the hunt looking for any of these animals which are edible.
But if you confronted with something that does not move or react in front of him, is something that must necessarily be stronger than him, so proceed with caution.
must reach out to the sea animals to co mprendere really who they are. And we discovered a magnificent animal, powerful, but must remain in its environment, with its role as a predator. Nothing more. Not is a monster, unlike an animal is very suspicious, very shy and the difficulty is not to come face to face with him, but it is accompanied safely, quietly. Because it takes a lot of patience, no sudden movements and a lot of respect to finally get to have the honor to swim with him. "
But if you confronted with something that does not move or react in front of him, is something that must necessarily be stronger than him, so proceed with caution.
must reach out to the sea animals to co mprendere really who they are. And we discovered a magnificent animal, powerful, but must remain in its environment, with its role as a predator. Nothing more. Not is a monster, unlike an animal is very suspicious, very shy and the difficulty is not to come face to face with him, but it is accompanied safely, quietly. Because it takes a lot of patience, no sudden movements and a lot of respect to finally get to have the honor to swim with him. "

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Beautiful Agony Iphone
Finally I have it!!
Tired of waiting for the patchy distribution of Italian as always, I solved the problem by switching from amazon.fr, where of course the DVD was already available in July!
What about: breathtaking. There are no other terms. I do not even put us compare it with "Oceans 3D" are two different products. Not that the images of "Oceans 3D" are not beautiful, God forbid. Except that I found the permanent presence of the turtle (in most cases added in post-production) in most cases unnecessary. Ok, who sought to create a thread, but if the pictures are taken properly and installed in a workmanlike manner, are sufficient in themselves. And then the comment is too invasive ... overflight version of Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo, even that is annoying ... : - \\
Perrin has repeatedly been shown to have a nose for the shots here and not denied: Without going into detail there are "simple" panoramic aerial of surface of the sea that are nothing short of moving. When they come into play the different critters (and bestiolone) ... Well, if you've seen "Microcosmos" and "Winged Migration" Perrin have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow not limited to film the animals, but I can magically make you move with them and like them.
The comment is essential: a few sentences recited poetry well (understandable even with my rusty French super), speaks for the rest of the music. Admirable use of ultra-sensitive microphones: Yes, the sea is the world of silence, but if you've wondered what noise do the legs of crustaceans in the sand ... Well, in "Ωceans" clearly feel that too!
The beginning of the film presents us with a child playing on the beach with friends, but suddenly stops and begins to observe the sea. The voice starts (I dare to write it down to "ear ")...
" One day, an enfant here découvrit la mer m'a demand: The Ocean ... c'est quoi l'Ocean? "
Well, the film puts us all to answer that question and does affects the heart through the eyes and ears ... =-)
passed with flying colors, in short, Perrin but you could not lie less. Much better than "Deep Blue" by Byatt (beautiful, by the same Perrin said in French, but lean subjects and with the shots almost always fixed) and not even comparable to "Oceans 3D" very much commercial. Here
site and trailer: ΩCEANS
Among other things the site has been updated and is really well done ...
NOTE OF THE DAY: we are all set with the HD, 3D, Dolby, etc.. etc.. Well, if you must send a fillme always transmits the emotions. If those who carried it out did not take only CG and lots of money, but put us especially our hearts, our hearts will certainly something. A film that "yeah, but should be seen in 3D otherwise does not make ... well, you already know ... ,-P
Finally I have it!!
Tired of waiting for the patchy distribution of Italian as always, I solved the problem by switching from amazon.fr, where of course the DVD was already available in July!

What about: breathtaking. There are no other terms. I do not even put us compare it with "Oceans 3D" are two different products. Not that the images of "Oceans 3D" are not beautiful, God forbid. Except that I found the permanent presence of the turtle (in most cases added in post-production) in most cases unnecessary. Ok, who sought to create a thread, but if the pictures are taken properly and installed in a workmanlike manner, are sufficient in themselves. And then the comment is too invasive ... overflight version of Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo, even that is annoying ... : - \\
Perrin has repeatedly been shown to have a nose for the shots here and not denied: Without going into detail there are "simple" panoramic aerial of surface of the sea that are nothing short of moving. When they come into play the different critters (and bestiolone) ... Well, if you've seen "Microcosmos" and "Winged Migration" Perrin have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow not limited to film the animals, but I can magically make you move with them and like them.
The comment is essential: a few sentences recited poetry well (understandable even with my rusty French super), speaks for the rest of the music. Admirable use of ultra-sensitive microphones: Yes, the sea is the world of silence, but if you've wondered what noise do the legs of crustaceans in the sand ... Well, in "Ωceans" clearly feel that too!
The beginning of the film presents us with a child playing on the beach with friends, but suddenly stops and begins to observe the sea. The voice starts (I dare to write it down to "ear ")...
" One day, an enfant here découvrit la mer m'a demand: The Ocean ... c'est quoi l'Ocean? "
Well, the film puts us all to answer that question and does affects the heart through the eyes and ears ... =-)
passed with flying colors, in short, Perrin but you could not lie less. Much better than "Deep Blue" by Byatt (beautiful, by the same Perrin said in French, but lean subjects and with the shots almost always fixed) and not even comparable to "Oceans 3D" very much commercial. Here
site and trailer: ΩCEANS
Among other things the site has been updated and is really well done ...
NOTE OF THE DAY: we are all set with the HD, 3D, Dolby, etc.. etc.. Well, if you must send a fillme always transmits the emotions. If those who carried it out did not take only CG and lots of money, but put us especially our hearts, our hearts will certainly something. A film that "yeah, but should be seen in 3D otherwise does not make ... well, you already know ... ,-P
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hampton Bay Ceiling Fan Replace Globes
Getting back in the game ...
Saturday morning I returned to dive. It was the first time since October 23 that ... seems like yesterday, but at the same time seems past one year.
It 'was hard, it took me a bit' up my mind, but it complicates the need to try the new 12 +12 and the unfailing support of my Buddy, I decided to set your alarm (very) early, load the car and go!
Nothing challenging: a walk in solitary (at depths from Junior OWD:-D) to try and weigh the new bibo trim, plus an excuse to wipe a lot 'of rigorous exercise in order. I must say that adding a little 'experience and a good dose of luck I guessed at once is the position of the fascia of the bibo Weighing in perfect horizontal position pesanterrima configuration (I was wearing just about anything ...). Smooth them also exercise, repeated many times because however, I needed it, including the least popular as the change-mask or shear tests.
short, a good job in water, a morning well spent.
Above I needed to deal with it. Arriving at dawn on the beach was still deserted Moregallo painful to be there, alone, sitting on a rock overlooking the lake rippled by the wind made me re-emerge a thousand memories and an unknown number of mixed emotions. A year before I stared at that same view for the first time, wondering how was the adventure I was about to undertake.
With teary eyes and heavy heart I was just about to back into the car and return to the warmth of my blankets, but I shook my head, I forced myself to not want to throw away everything I had done in my head when I heard that Walter repeated until exhaustion it was important to train constantly and always. In less than no time fears were gone and I was only focused on clothing and the list of mental exercises to do.
E 'was great. E 'was necessary. Doing it alone was not easy, but I needed it. Underwater I felt his presence in my gestures, my breathing quiet and smooth in everything he taught me.
It helped me to clarify ideas, enlightened me the beginning of the path to take.
And call it coincidence, but I ran a bank alborelle besides being accompanied by a long way from a lazy burbot. See more than one fish at a time Moregallo is something higher than just luck ... ;-)
Here ... a year ago took this photo ... and the other morning admiring a sunrise almost identical ... Those mountains are unchanged, but the eyes that have changed the look ...
Saturday morning I returned to dive. It was the first time since October 23 that ... seems like yesterday, but at the same time seems past one year.
It 'was hard, it took me a bit' up my mind, but it complicates the need to try the new 12 +12 and the unfailing support of my Buddy, I decided to set your alarm (very) early, load the car and go!
Nothing challenging: a walk in solitary (at depths from Junior OWD:-D) to try and weigh the new bibo trim, plus an excuse to wipe a lot 'of rigorous exercise in order. I must say that adding a little 'experience and a good dose of luck I guessed at once is the position of the fascia of the bibo Weighing in perfect horizontal position pesanterrima configuration (I was wearing just about anything ...). Smooth them also exercise, repeated many times because however, I needed it, including the least popular as the change-mask or shear tests.
short, a good job in water, a morning well spent.
Above I needed to deal with it. Arriving at dawn on the beach was still deserted Moregallo painful to be there, alone, sitting on a rock overlooking the lake rippled by the wind made me re-emerge a thousand memories and an unknown number of mixed emotions. A year before I stared at that same view for the first time, wondering how was the adventure I was about to undertake.
With teary eyes and heavy heart I was just about to back into the car and return to the warmth of my blankets, but I shook my head, I forced myself to not want to throw away everything I had done in my head when I heard that Walter repeated until exhaustion it was important to train constantly and always. In less than no time fears were gone and I was only focused on clothing and the list of mental exercises to do.
E 'was great. E 'was necessary. Doing it alone was not easy, but I needed it. Underwater I felt his presence in my gestures, my breathing quiet and smooth in everything he taught me.
It helped me to clarify ideas, enlightened me the beginning of the path to take.
And call it coincidence, but I ran a bank alborelle besides being accompanied by a long way from a lazy burbot. See more than one fish at a time Moregallo is something higher than just luck ... ;-)
Here ... a year ago took this photo ... and the other morning admiring a sunrise almost identical ... Those mountains are unchanged, but the eyes that have changed the look ...

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Picking Out Black Dots Under Wart
Evolution ...
Comlpice my mom that you are having fun sifting through old photos, I enjoy a little 'to look back ... ;-)
1984, Maldives. My very first experience with the ARA. I can still remember the excitement of the first breaths underwater ... is a vivid memory ... =-)
1993, San Fruttuoso. Finally patented Open during the previous winter. I vaguely remember my first suit, which lasted a scant couple of years. GAV that I have thrown the last (still catching quite a few 'pieces). Providers are still working but ... Maintenance alive! If
about the picture now ... Well, I have changed things ...
Comlpice my mom that you are having fun sifting through old photos, I enjoy a little 'to look back ... ;-)
1984, Maldives. My very first experience with the ARA. I can still remember the excitement of the first breaths underwater ... is a vivid memory ... =-)

1993, San Fruttuoso. Finally patented Open during the previous winter. I vaguely remember my first suit, which lasted a scant couple of years. GAV that I have thrown the last (still catching quite a few 'pieces). Providers are still working but ... Maintenance alive! If

about the picture now ... Well, I have changed things ...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Underwear For Wrestling
The name "Arab Expressive Dance" ® comes from research done in the "Teatro Dell'Arcano" Bayatly and Roberta Kassim Bongini in 1990. It is a dance style but a method of teaching. In the show "Le Danze dell 'Arcano" presented in 1996 have managed to use the elements and aspects from belly dancing, music and rituals of the Arab-Islamic culture, building structured pieces not fitting together as a simple, but as a dramatized representation. All material used was perceived as a sign and meaning, so that each component was essential for the communication of bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts, interwoven into the fabric of the representation in the energy levels of the dancer.
Warm up exercises that involve all the muscles used in dance. Establish correct posture; study of the technique of "expressive dance Arabic ® "body work in space and ground: sinuous rhythmic movements and vibration, money, travel, downs and ground positions.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON (15:00 to 18:00):
headscarf with exercises designed to achieve the correct posture of the shoulders and arms, wearing the veil in the site, floor space and using everything he learned in the previous three hours.
Party Gaia Scuderi's choreography with the veil on the ground (No. 4 dvd book)
Warm up exercises bar on the ground of classical dance.
exercises to introduce the dance theater, will proceed to read a poem by García Lorca and then all actions are carried out in relation to the text and its possible interpretation. Instead of an abstract dance, get a dance linked to a sense. It also used some of the different elements of oriental dance as the veil, cane, saber ... each student can bring, in addition to the veil, the item you prefer, but will also be used in connection with poetry and become an integral part of it, to lose its connotation of the dance decorative object. For example a veil could be a river, a cane, a butterfly ... All that will change the way in which the dancer is related to the item.
How to move the veil if it is a river? How to get a stick if it is a butterfly?
questions arise from these relationships between the dancer and the object and between male and female dancers, all related to the poetic sense that we represent.
A final if appropriate values \u200b\u200bwill improvisations guided us in a dramatized choreography.
Warm up exercises that involve all the muscles used in dance. Establish correct posture; study of the technique of "expressive dance Arabic ® "body work in space and ground: sinuous rhythmic movements and vibration, money, travel, downs and ground positions.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON (15:00 to 18:00):
headscarf with exercises designed to achieve the correct posture of the shoulders and arms, wearing the veil in the site, floor space and using everything he learned in the previous three hours.
Party Gaia Scuderi's choreography with the veil on the ground (No. 4 dvd book)
Warm up exercises bar on the ground of classical dance.
exercises to introduce the dance theater, will proceed to read a poem by García Lorca and then all actions are carried out in relation to the text and its possible interpretation. Instead of an abstract dance, get a dance linked to a sense. It also used some of the different elements of oriental dance as the veil, cane, saber ... each student can bring, in addition to the veil, the item you prefer, but will also be used in connection with poetry and become an integral part of it, to lose its connotation of the dance decorative object. For example a veil could be a river, a cane, a butterfly ... All that will change the way in which the dancer is related to the item.
How to move the veil if it is a river? How to get a stick if it is a butterfly?
questions arise from these relationships between the dancer and the object and between male and female dancers, all related to the poetic sense that we represent.
A final if appropriate values \u200b\u200bwill improvisations guided us in a dramatized choreography.
Adult Lacrosse Southern California
I am nearby ...
" Death is not nothing ...... I am just next door.
I am here and you're away. What we were one another, we are yet. Call me by my familiar name, tell me things like you always did. Do not use a different tone of voice, do not talk so sad or solemn.
Laugh as we always laughed together for the little things that made us pleasure. Be calm, smile and let my name be one word all day which was good.
Life has the same meaning as always, is not interrupted but continues unabated.
I should be away from your heart just because they're away from your eyes?
I am here next to expect, do not worry, all is well ..... "
I" stole "this wonderful piece by Monica, a close friend of Walter, it is still on its board of FB ...
A beautiful song, perfect. I was struck and echo in my head all day. While there, a dark afternoon, cheeks streaked with tears and rain, her eyes red and swollen, pats on the back, many friends. But even smile, because it is forbidden to laugh and smile at those moments. Especially when the majority coming from a wife and mother incredibly strong, positive, courageous.
And because, as Holland says, " laugh as we always laughed together ... written by Walter does not seem right??
And I'm absolutely sure he was there with us, and that burst out with laughter when the priest accidentally called him "David" instead of "Walter" ...
I cried, wrapped in a warm embrace. I cried because I miss her. Why everything is different now. Why is not fair.
But I also smile, because he would have liked to see some smiles. Because he always smiles. Because ... damn, if Walter can not think of that smile!!
We miss you. To Die For. But I'll never stop looking for you everywhere, to tell my dives, to say goodbye every time I go underwater, to love you ...
" Death is not nothing ...... I am just next door.
I am here and you're away. What we were one another, we are yet. Call me by my familiar name, tell me things like you always did. Do not use a different tone of voice, do not talk so sad or solemn.
Laugh as we always laughed together for the little things that made us pleasure. Be calm, smile and let my name be one word all day which was good.
Life has the same meaning as always, is not interrupted but continues unabated.
I should be away from your heart just because they're away from your eyes?
I am here next to expect, do not worry, all is well ..... "
I" stole "this wonderful piece by Monica, a close friend of Walter, it is still on its board of FB ...
A beautiful song, perfect. I was struck and echo in my head all day. While there, a dark afternoon, cheeks streaked with tears and rain, her eyes red and swollen, pats on the back, many friends. But even smile, because it is forbidden to laugh and smile at those moments. Especially when the majority coming from a wife and mother incredibly strong, positive, courageous.
And because, as Holland says, " laugh as we always laughed together ... written by Walter does not seem right??
And I'm absolutely sure he was there with us, and that burst out with laughter when the priest accidentally called him "David" instead of "Walter" ...
I cried, wrapped in a warm embrace. I cried because I miss her. Why everything is different now. Why is not fair.
But I also smile, because he would have liked to see some smiles. Because he always smiles. Because ... damn, if Walter can not think of that smile!!
We miss you. To Die For. But I'll never stop looking for you everywhere, to tell my dives, to say goodbye every time I go underwater, to love you ...
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Best Way To Remove Corns
Advanced ... that is ... advanced!! :-D
I realized only now he had done the celebrations due to my babies Advanced Course, Saturday, October 23 that they faced their first deep wreck (the wonderful Cargo Sestri) and their first night. Not true, the night someone had already done, but Okay ... ;-)
What about ... good, well ordered, despite the persistent bad weather and cold, to be repaid un'acquetta tiepidina (19 ° C over -30 ... I love the Ligurian Sea in the fall ...) and good visibility.
there was a little imprecise, true, but it is known that I am a pain in the ass and I do everything to "rub" ... after all I learned from the best, so expect the best!! ;-) Too bad
missing Francesco (sick) and I adored Buddy (road taken by the thesis), otherwise the cabin was up !!!!! It will be for the next.
A small note of credit goes to David, especially, new entry of the group, but if that is the fared very well. After knowing him a bit 'in person during the course I could see it working as a sub, I like, precise, meticulous and attentive to what was happening to him and about him, as well as enjoy the view. Bravo David!
Needless to emphasize their faces met, and their mood at the stars when we all met for dinner at Raieu, an event during which disappeared two bowls of beautiful white soon ... so I should not drive. :-P
I want to clarify that Fabio, Dennis and I, there being offered to make the switch from bottles to Odyssey, we were fasting until ten at night, except for two "Pan di Stelle" scrounging skills to good Peter .. . ;-) What
say, that night I fell asleep with a sad weight on my stomach, even if the long talk on the phone with my beautiful and abnormal amounts of wine that I swallowed helped me get to sleep.
My last thought before collapsing, after all, was that, while the worst happened, I was also under water, undertook to convey these teachings to others and the passion that Walter sent me.
I like to keep the courses as well. In my little I want to continue to spread his philosophy of diving.
yet be accomplished guys!! ;-)
I realized only now he had done the celebrations due to my babies Advanced Course, Saturday, October 23 that they faced their first deep wreck (the wonderful Cargo Sestri) and their first night. Not true, the night someone had already done, but Okay ... ;-)
What about ... good, well ordered, despite the persistent bad weather and cold, to be repaid un'acquetta tiepidina (19 ° C over -30 ... I love the Ligurian Sea in the fall ...) and good visibility.
there was a little imprecise, true, but it is known that I am a pain in the ass and I do everything to "rub" ... after all I learned from the best, so expect the best!! ;-) Too bad
missing Francesco (sick) and I adored Buddy (road taken by the thesis), otherwise the cabin was up !!!!! It will be for the next.
A small note of credit goes to David, especially, new entry of the group, but if that is the fared very well. After knowing him a bit 'in person during the course I could see it working as a sub, I like, precise, meticulous and attentive to what was happening to him and about him, as well as enjoy the view. Bravo David!
Needless to emphasize their faces met, and their mood at the stars when we all met for dinner at Raieu, an event during which disappeared two bowls of beautiful white soon ... so I should not drive. :-P
I want to clarify that Fabio, Dennis and I, there being offered to make the switch from bottles to Odyssey, we were fasting until ten at night, except for two "Pan di Stelle" scrounging skills to good Peter .. . ;-) What
say, that night I fell asleep with a sad weight on my stomach, even if the long talk on the phone with my beautiful and abnormal amounts of wine that I swallowed helped me get to sleep.
My last thought before collapsing, after all, was that, while the worst happened, I was also under water, undertook to convey these teachings to others and the passion that Walter sent me.
I like to keep the courses as well. In my little I want to continue to spread his philosophy of diving.
yet be accomplished guys!! ;-)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Toilet Makes Whooshing Noise
This wound will not heal Seem To ...
Today I experienced a first phase change ... I went from that the refusal to that anger. Bad experience, because I threatened to cause injury to someone standing next to me. Fortunately I'm surrounded by people, including me are close to this pain.
But this time I do not like. I spent the last year working on my emotions, living fully in every experience good or bad it was, and now I find myself suppressing everything in the worst way ...
Tonight I relaxed, I enjoyed every moment, now I'm ready to let go. I do not know when it will happen, but I want to throw out all about it when I'm ready.
suffer. It really hurts. But I'm not the only one to suffer: all around me deal with their pain and I have to do the same to be in some way help others. 'Fuck the phases ... I do not have time for all the others.
I celebrate my love for Walter, do not persevere in an obstinate closure, though it may be hard at first.
only remains a great fear. To appear in my world and find that it is no longer the same, missing a guide, a reference point ...
Who tells me to get started, I temporarily downsizing their ambitions and starting to build something of my own.
Who tells me that Walter gave me a solid foundation and unique, a new way of thinking about diving, a number of key points with which you can do anything.
They are absolutely right. I told you that I'm surrounded by wonderful people.
The fear remains, but I have to deal with it without using it as an excuse to pull back, without throwing the air (actually, the fish) the work of the last two years.
" Take your time and trained rigorously. Less alibi you create and work better. "
... guess what it was ... =-)
I had not realized yet, but I want to go underwater.
Today I experienced a first phase change ... I went from that the refusal to that anger. Bad experience, because I threatened to cause injury to someone standing next to me. Fortunately I'm surrounded by people, including me are close to this pain.
But this time I do not like. I spent the last year working on my emotions, living fully in every experience good or bad it was, and now I find myself suppressing everything in the worst way ...
Tonight I relaxed, I enjoyed every moment, now I'm ready to let go. I do not know when it will happen, but I want to throw out all about it when I'm ready.
suffer. It really hurts. But I'm not the only one to suffer: all around me deal with their pain and I have to do the same to be in some way help others. 'Fuck the phases ... I do not have time for all the others.
I celebrate my love for Walter, do not persevere in an obstinate closure, though it may be hard at first.
only remains a great fear. To appear in my world and find that it is no longer the same, missing a guide, a reference point ...
Who tells me to get started, I temporarily downsizing their ambitions and starting to build something of my own.
Who tells me that Walter gave me a solid foundation and unique, a new way of thinking about diving, a number of key points with which you can do anything.
They are absolutely right. I told you that I'm surrounded by wonderful people.
The fear remains, but I have to deal with it without using it as an excuse to pull back, without throwing the air (actually, the fish) the work of the last two years.
" Take your time and trained rigorously. Less alibi you create and work better. "
... guess what it was ... =-)
I had not realized yet, but I want to go underwater.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Best Retrieval Method For Old Maps
Stasi ...
It 's amazing how everything I do not even seem possible ... he speaks, it is discussed, there is nothing in our days. Only 3 days actually, but it seems a month.
Yet it is as if it was just pretend, pretend as if I have accepted everything. But I speak some, in fact Ubik still do not.
And sleep does not help ... collapse in the evening, but several hours before dusk already set my eyes staring at the ceiling dark. At least an hour, the recovery in the afternoon usually. Luckily I
beside me someone really special that helps me keep in touch with reality, otherwise who knows where I would be now. I will write
rivers and streams of words, but jot down something and then immediately delete it, rewrite it, the reorganization and Re-delete. Maybe there would be too long to write and will not accept the fact I will not have the right motivation to do so.
Silvia, I promise you my heart will flow from the wonderful words, soon the tears will be able to do the same from my eyes ...
I have the consolation of having already written a lot about him on this blog and to know that he has read what the dedicated.
I want to scream and to remain in absolute silence at the same time.
Fuck what I miss ...
It 's amazing how everything I do not even seem possible ... he speaks, it is discussed, there is nothing in our days. Only 3 days actually, but it seems a month.
Yet it is as if it was just pretend, pretend as if I have accepted everything. But I speak some, in fact Ubik still do not.
And sleep does not help ... collapse in the evening, but several hours before dusk already set my eyes staring at the ceiling dark. At least an hour, the recovery in the afternoon usually. Luckily I
beside me someone really special that helps me keep in touch with reality, otherwise who knows where I would be now. I will write
rivers and streams of words, but jot down something and then immediately delete it, rewrite it, the reorganization and Re-delete. Maybe there would be too long to write and will not accept the fact I will not have the right motivation to do so.
Silvia, I promise you my heart will flow from the wonderful words, soon the tears will be able to do the same from my eyes ...
I have the consolation of having already written a lot about him on this blog and to know that he has read what the dedicated.
I want to scream and to remain in absolute silence at the same time.
Fuck what I miss ...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Dune Buggy Birthday Invitations
12 +12
Tomorrow we try again ... we hope that both Jupiter Pluvio lenient. If all goes well we shoot
Cargo barge, Punta Manara ... in short, all the places that were the backdrop to my early divers.
Meanwhile, I received my beautiful new bibo 12 +12 (in fact is second hand ... new to me:-P) and I took him to revise the park bottles I had in my garage to rust ... 3 bowling well from one to 15 and 18! Stra-convenient to have them all available to me ... :-D
Now I go to bed, after an unforgettable day of laughter, pampering, afternoon naps, dancing and Caribbean country.
Tired, happy, excited.
Good luck to my students for tomorrow !!!!! ;-)
Ps Long live the SUBBAQUI !!!!!
Tomorrow we try again ... we hope that both Jupiter Pluvio lenient. If all goes well we shoot
Cargo barge, Punta Manara ... in short, all the places that were the backdrop to my early divers.
Meanwhile, I received my beautiful new bibo 12 +12 (in fact is second hand ... new to me:-P) and I took him to revise the park bottles I had in my garage to rust ... 3 bowling well from one to 15 and 18! Stra-convenient to have them all available to me ... :-D
Now I go to bed, after an unforgettable day of laughter, pampering, afternoon naps, dancing and Caribbean country.
Tired, happy, excited.
Good luck to my students for tomorrow !!!!! ;-)
Ps Long live the SUBBAQUI !!!!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Women's Beautiful Agony
Friday ...
late hour.
Tired but happy. The work is ennobling, is very true. Being able to cope very well in total slaughter more then ... is intoxicating.
Unfortunately, the weekend at the beach is blown. After a stressful week of pull-and-spring organization, the weather decided for us. All postponed.
Well, what you will, the sea is so. Who decides, not us!
I still have memories of a wonderful birthday, made up of furniture, frames, true friends, special people, cocktails, sangria, English wines and so much love.
Fuck that beautiful life! =-)
NOTE OF THE DAY: The absence of sea my desire to multiply the lake ... : - \\
late hour.
Tired but happy. The work is ennobling, is very true. Being able to cope very well in total slaughter more then ... is intoxicating.
Unfortunately, the weekend at the beach is blown. After a stressful week of pull-and-spring organization, the weather decided for us. All postponed.
Well, what you will, the sea is so. Who decides, not us!
I still have memories of a wonderful birthday, made up of furniture, frames, true friends, special people, cocktails, sangria, English wines and so much love.
Fuck that beautiful life! =-)
NOTE OF THE DAY: The absence of sea my desire to multiply the lake ... : - \\
Monday, October 11, 2010
Does Your Crevix Lower Before A Period
Monday ...
Well, if good morning starts in the morning ... will show a week! After
a weekend to dream and the drudgery of yesterday at the Feast of the Goose, there is nothing better than to enjoy a dip in the lake, along the wall Castelveccana always beautiful.
And why not come home and find a special person with a special surprise?? See photos below for yourself ... =-)
And then the advanced course, with a bell'aperitivo Cumpa to Puerto Alegre and, last but not least, a weekend at the beach for the consideration of my advanced allievucci. There will be work, but I can not wait!!
busy week, in short, full as it should always be the life!!
And now thinking about the sweet nap this afternoon I go to eat and relax ... ;-)
Well, if good morning starts in the morning ... will show a week! After
a weekend to dream and the drudgery of yesterday at the Feast of the Goose, there is nothing better than to enjoy a dip in the lake, along the wall Castelveccana always beautiful.
And why not come home and find a special person with a special surprise?? See photos below for yourself ... =-)
And then the advanced course, with a bell'aperitivo Cumpa to Puerto Alegre and, last but not least, a weekend at the beach for the consideration of my advanced allievucci. There will be work, but I can not wait!!
busy week, in short, full as it should always be the life!!
And now thinking about the sweet nap this afternoon I go to eat and relax ... ;-)

- Chiringuito - by Maison du Monde
Toddlers Swollen Stomachs
Narcosis ... Base Jump And
Yes, yes ... we continue to blame the nitrogen ... :-DDD
Yes, yes ... we continue to blame the nitrogen ... :-DDD
- Slainte! - by Marco Finale
Monday, October 4, 2010
Why Eating A Unopened Mussel Is Bad
I post here because I love it, but mainly to try to embed YouTube videos on the blog. Not that we want a science, but it's cool! It works! :-P
Julie Gautier think that this footage has made himself immersed in diving! The effect is stunning, not so much for the company itself but for the spectacular result. A truly original to present the freediving. Nery rocks ...
If you're wondering, the soundtrack is the beautiful "You make me feel" of the Archive. ;-)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Where In London I Can Alter Ego Garlic
was September, harbinger of autumn ...
Actually he's nearly gone, literally flew but not gone unnoticed, indeed! The
demonstrates the limited time I've dedicated to blog ... but I promised not falling back. Yes, because in a month things will happen and then make the report without boring it becomes a mess. :-P
say that, as always, was a month of passage that marks the end of the summer season and (As true as ever these days) the approach of winter. Usually for me it is a period of Scazzi, mostly because I can hardly tear myself away from the summer trips and return to reality. This year, I got intense activity, especially scuba diving. And that I'm going to sum up ...
The month began with a dive to Gonzatti nothing short of perfect, my buddy and I just insoles, with hot water and unlimited visibility, mammoth grouper, cod, sea bream twenty portions and the greatest gift: to be crossed by passage of a large bank of beautiful barracuda (grouper with the inevitable hangers attached). We could almost touch them! What a thrill issue again in the afternoon before the unattainable pies Panizzeria of overhead ... :-P
And after two weeks, a nice group out of the park. I scarrozzato a dozen of my students in two challenging diving with swells, current and somewhat reduced visibility. He has not seen much, but it was a good test for them. My buddy is learning to manage stress in an enviable ... But above all, as always, my weather forecast and were centered between a dive and the more we enjoyed a couple of hours of sun on the chairs of the diving svaccati Odyssey. A moment of relaxation, a unique opportunity to get kissing again by the summer sun ... =-)
And meanwhile, organized in no time at all, started the Advanced ... Adv but not all: you are pretty much gathered all those students who are (or have always been) "special". An incredibly diverse bunch held together by a passion for diving and a friendship that grows stronger lesson after lesson. At sea we will have to laugh ... I do not know whether to be happy or afraid ... :-DDDD
And just to finish with a flourish this month, reinforcing the symbolic passing of the baton from summer to winter (no, there are between seasons, then ...:- P) just 30, I enjoyed the first dive to the lake. Well, we wanted: after a summer spent in the warm waters and lazy breathing Nitrox, a nice hit of high pressure nitrogen and deceptively warm water (area: C. .. 17 ° from -40 ° C! Was already 5!) Definitely helps to get in shape !!!!!
NOTE OF THE MONTH. I do not like anything to celebrate itself. Analyze yes, even criticize, appreciate me as well, but this time I can say to be satisfied. During the summer just passed I could see up close many of my students "in action", my buddy in the first place. Well, I put the underwater world of really good, plus they know who think with their head ... eccheccazzo!
NB The quote in the title is Endzo Demitra.
Actually he's nearly gone, literally flew but not gone unnoticed, indeed! The
demonstrates the limited time I've dedicated to blog ... but I promised not falling back. Yes, because in a month things will happen and then make the report without boring it becomes a mess. :-P
say that, as always, was a month of passage that marks the end of the summer season and (As true as ever these days) the approach of winter. Usually for me it is a period of Scazzi, mostly because I can hardly tear myself away from the summer trips and return to reality. This year, I got intense activity, especially scuba diving. And that I'm going to sum up ...
The month began with a dive to Gonzatti nothing short of perfect, my buddy and I just insoles, with hot water and unlimited visibility, mammoth grouper, cod, sea bream twenty portions and the greatest gift: to be crossed by passage of a large bank of beautiful barracuda (grouper with the inevitable hangers attached). We could almost touch them! What a thrill issue again in the afternoon before the unattainable pies Panizzeria of overhead ... :-P
And after two weeks, a nice group out of the park. I scarrozzato a dozen of my students in two challenging diving with swells, current and somewhat reduced visibility. He has not seen much, but it was a good test for them. My buddy is learning to manage stress in an enviable ... But above all, as always, my weather forecast and were centered between a dive and the more we enjoyed a couple of hours of sun on the chairs of the diving svaccati Odyssey. A moment of relaxation, a unique opportunity to get kissing again by the summer sun ... =-)
And meanwhile, organized in no time at all, started the Advanced ... Adv but not all: you are pretty much gathered all those students who are (or have always been) "special". An incredibly diverse bunch held together by a passion for diving and a friendship that grows stronger lesson after lesson. At sea we will have to laugh ... I do not know whether to be happy or afraid ... :-DDDD
And just to finish with a flourish this month, reinforcing the symbolic passing of the baton from summer to winter (no, there are between seasons, then ...:- P) just 30, I enjoyed the first dive to the lake. Well, we wanted: after a summer spent in the warm waters and lazy breathing Nitrox, a nice hit of high pressure nitrogen and deceptively warm water (area: C. .. 17 ° from -40 ° C! Was already 5!) Definitely helps to get in shape !!!!!
NOTE OF THE MONTH. I do not like anything to celebrate itself. Analyze yes, even criticize, appreciate me as well, but this time I can say to be satisfied. During the summer just passed I could see up close many of my students "in action", my buddy in the first place. Well, I put the underwater world of really good, plus they know who think with their head ... eccheccazzo!
NB The quote in the title is Endzo Demitra.

Sea ↑ ↓
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
English Spanish Wedding Program
The Turtle (and it's a snail!)
Monday, August 23
Along the highway, just left for our trip to Milan, I glanced at the profile of the Gallinara fully aware that from July onwards, except for two organize small exceptions, it was practically my only dive site.
So I feel it incumbent upon a brief tribute to the funny turtle that got to me countless life forms (some of which I tried to see some time ...), I did feel strongly the best of my Buddy, has been the set for days in the company of old and new friends ...
Ps I know what you're thinking: is not that "it seems" ... it is she, Morla!! Only sleeping ... ;-)
Monday, August 23
Along the highway, just left for our trip to Milan, I glanced at the profile of the Gallinara fully aware that from July onwards, except for two organize small exceptions, it was practically my only dive site.
So I feel it incumbent upon a brief tribute to the funny turtle that got to me countless life forms (some of which I tried to see some time ...), I did feel strongly the best of my Buddy, has been the set for days in the company of old and new friends ...

Ps I know what you're thinking: is not that "it seems" ... it is she, Morla!! Only sleeping ... ;-)
Record Gameplay Without Capture Card
The Sea in His Eyes
Thursday, August 19 This morning I went underwater little David.
A great dip to Gallinara, excellent visibility, sea almost calm, warm water. Grouper, sea bream, moray eels ... most of all, in fact.
But the best thing is to see a little boy of just 10 years, polite and quiet, facing their fears with an enviable knowledge. It is not one of those reckless kids that are thrown around in complete unconsciousness. He knows exactly what he's doing and knows exactly what are your fears. But we try, we believe, focuses on what to do, facing an environment that is not his, or rather two: why should not only deal with the act of breathing underwater, but each time finds himself catapulted into a world of adults rather noisy and Twaddell.
And here is rewarded. It is on his shoulders a cylinder that weighs more than him and you can enjoy 50 minutes of immersion.
It is incredibly rewarding for me as an instructor of going to see her pouting tended to turn back into a marvelous light that explodes from behind his bright blue eyes. A boy diving has rightly said "I saw below. In the small leg ... after all, already has the sea in his eyes ... .
all under the loving look of a worried mother, but with an incredible courage to leave his jewel moves alone, exploring her little corner of the world, who realizes his dream. This attitude on his part to say the least, exemplary.
And I assure you that what is so strange to hear a tender 10 years old boy watching his mother and ask her gift in a dive light!!
My great little dive is certainly learning a lot from this adventure.
But I think we can learn even more from him.
Ps Another huge thanks and congratulations to the staff of the sea of \u200b\u200bMarina Diving Center: prepared, pleasant, friendly, accurate, patients. A really nice downtown. I added their website through the links here on the right ;-)
Thursday, August 19 This morning I went underwater little David.
A great dip to Gallinara, excellent visibility, sea almost calm, warm water. Grouper, sea bream, moray eels ... most of all, in fact.
But the best thing is to see a little boy of just 10 years, polite and quiet, facing their fears with an enviable knowledge. It is not one of those reckless kids that are thrown around in complete unconsciousness. He knows exactly what he's doing and knows exactly what are your fears. But we try, we believe, focuses on what to do, facing an environment that is not his, or rather two: why should not only deal with the act of breathing underwater, but each time finds himself catapulted into a world of adults rather noisy and Twaddell.
And here is rewarded. It is on his shoulders a cylinder that weighs more than him and you can enjoy 50 minutes of immersion.
It is incredibly rewarding for me as an instructor of going to see her pouting tended to turn back into a marvelous light that explodes from behind his bright blue eyes. A boy diving has rightly said "I saw below. In the small leg ... after all, already has the sea in his eyes ... .
all under the loving look of a worried mother, but with an incredible courage to leave his jewel moves alone, exploring her little corner of the world, who realizes his dream. This attitude on his part to say the least, exemplary.
And I assure you that what is so strange to hear a tender 10 years old boy watching his mother and ask her gift in a dive light!!
My great little dive is certainly learning a lot from this adventure.
But I think we can learn even more from him.
- The Pipe - by Ubik
Ps Another huge thanks and congratulations to the staff of the sea of \u200b\u200bMarina Diving Center: prepared, pleasant, friendly, accurate, patients. A really nice downtown. I added their website through the links here on the right ;-)
Convection Or Conventional 2010
The Longest Journey ...
Wednesday, August 18
Turn to the world, traveling also means to accept and understand that there are actually around the corner is completely different from ours. That our way of life is not the "right" but simply "our". And do not be hasty in judgments, remember that understand not necessarily mean sharing also : you can put aside their own beliefs for a short time and try to see things from another point of view. There are people, whole people who live in an almost incomprehensible to us, following accepted customs and situations that we do not even dream of contemplating. Yet these people have their dignity, lives, sometimes survives, work and raise their children. Traveling is a golden opportunity to see, speak, absorb. Overcoming hardships and difficulties that appear to us that ordinary people but destabilizing than a simple daily.
Understanding not necessarily share . Then return to our home, our habits, to what we always do. Not necessarily "right" at all costs, but "our". Back enriched finding out what is superfluous to appreciate it even more. Being aware of having set eyes on something beautiful, that he had talked with ordinary people who can teach us more than we had hoped.
Travel. At the other end of the world or an hour's drive from your box. But do not bring yourself to visit something. Leave your ego at home, your certainties, your prejudices. Empty lots, with a light heart, with the curiosity of a child. Open yourself and absorb your surroundings, be it good or bad, funny or sad, pleasant or uncomfortable.
only briefly, for a limited time, you're not what you possess but be the place where you are.
And sometimes stop, breathe, stored, be aware of how beautiful the world, and how beautiful life.
only way the drive home will not be a return, but a new beginning.
Wednesday, August 18
Turn to the world, traveling also means to accept and understand that there are actually around the corner is completely different from ours. That our way of life is not the "right" but simply "our". And do not be hasty in judgments, remember that understand not necessarily mean sharing also : you can put aside their own beliefs for a short time and try to see things from another point of view. There are people, whole people who live in an almost incomprehensible to us, following accepted customs and situations that we do not even dream of contemplating. Yet these people have their dignity, lives, sometimes survives, work and raise their children. Traveling is a golden opportunity to see, speak, absorb. Overcoming hardships and difficulties that appear to us that ordinary people but destabilizing than a simple daily.
Understanding not necessarily share . Then return to our home, our habits, to what we always do. Not necessarily "right" at all costs, but "our". Back enriched finding out what is superfluous to appreciate it even more. Being aware of having set eyes on something beautiful, that he had talked with ordinary people who can teach us more than we had hoped.
Travel. At the other end of the world or an hour's drive from your box. But do not bring yourself to visit something. Leave your ego at home, your certainties, your prejudices. Empty lots, with a light heart, with the curiosity of a child. Open yourself and absorb your surroundings, be it good or bad, funny or sad, pleasant or uncomfortable.
only briefly, for a limited time, you're not what you possess but be the place where you are.
And sometimes stop, breathe, stored, be aware of how beautiful the world, and how beautiful life.
only way the drive home will not be a return, but a new beginning.

- Endpath? - by Ubik
Removing Smell Of Urine
Sea Breeze ...
Monday, August 16
are the details, the little things.
stop, breathe, live the moment as if it were eternal. The ancestral
light of the fire of sunset colors everything.
The smell of wood, meat, algae.
feet in the sand damp, cold night wind that pushes you on the heat and smoke from the fire.
The crackling firewood, chatter, laughter, music which is struggling to wriggle out of a radio that will not tune.
taste of beer and salt.
are the details, the little things.
Enjoy the journey, to love yourself with all this wonderful adventure.
Monday, August 16
are the details, the little things.
stop, breathe, live the moment as if it were eternal. The ancestral
light of the fire of sunset colors everything.
The smell of wood, meat, algae.
feet in the sand damp, cold night wind that pushes you on the heat and smoke from the fire.
The crackling firewood, chatter, laughter, music which is struggling to wriggle out of a radio that will not tune.
taste of beer and salt.
are the details, the little things.
Enjoy the journey, to love yourself with all this wonderful adventure.

Monday, August 23, 2010
Cp Illinois Driver's License
transparency between dream and memory
· September 14 21:00 to 22:30 at
Chille de Balanza the street of San Salvi 12 Florence
isthmus is a strip of land that joins two worlds, but is also a place not well defined between the earth and sky, so the dance, which absorbs the horizontal movement of a dance ' energy and thought, penetrate a vertical dimension, allowing the man to follow a path to where stesso.La isthmus and dance theater company founded in 2008 from Robert Bongini artistic, Gaia Scuderi, Ivana Caffaratto and Serena Cuccaro.
between dream and memory
· September 14 21:00 to 22:30 at
Chille de Balanza the street of San Salvi 12 Florence
isthmus is a strip of land that joins two worlds, but is also a place not well defined between the earth and sky, so the dance, which absorbs the horizontal movement of a dance ' energy and thought, penetrate a vertical dimension, allowing the man to follow a path to where stesso.La isthmus and dance theater company founded in 2008 from Robert Bongini artistic, Gaia Scuderi, Ivana Caffaratto and Serena Cuccaro.
Trasparenzetra dream and memory
The work comes from images of individual and collective memory material drawn from improvisational performer of the four participants and based on themes and situations proposed during the processing of the show. The issues that were addressed are intertwined, creating human situations that create a dance whose actions become a metaphor for memory, outlining the plot and the Horde of a past that is diluted in the present with all the emotion of the experience.
Roberta Bongini
choreography and execution of Robert and Bongini, Gaia Scuderi, Ivana Caffaratto, Serena Cuccaro
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Jersey Shore Episodes Uncensensored
Gestures, gesture and dance performance in the three-year Laboratory
Friday from 19:00 to 21:30. Setting up the body and study the art of expressive dance Arabic.
Saturday from 16:00 to 20:30. Study of gesture in the middle and space.
Sunday from 11:30 am to 16:00. Study of the technique on the ground. Study of the action sequences with the use of both ground and in space. Final improvisation guided by the teacher.
including half-hour break.
The internship is intended for an intermediate-advanced.
Gestures, gesture and interpretation in dance .
July 9-10-11 New Rainbow Dance Carrara
Stage of expressive dance taught by Arab and Roberta Bongini Gaia Scuderi.
Friday from 19:00 to 21:30. Setting up the body and study the art of expressive dance Arabic.
Saturday from 16:00 to 20:30. Study of gesture in the middle and space.
Sunday from 11:30 am to 16:00. Study of the technique on the ground. Study of the action sequences with the use of both ground and in space. Final improvisation guided by the teacher.
including half-hour break.
The internship is intended for an intermediate-advanced.
What Are The Symptoms Of A Chest Infection
Arab expressive dance for the teacher training 2010 2013
The workshop, held by Robert Bongini and with the participation of Gaia Scuderi, aims to offer specific training through a practical and theoretical study of expressive dance Arab East. The techniques and procedures that will be displayed are those developed and developed in the theater of the Arch of Florence from 1984 to present.
The workshop is primarily designed to train teachers, consist of three years, during which aims to provide the information necessary for the management of lessons: - Beginner-Intermediate in the first year in the second year in Advanced-third year. Each year is structured in 16 meetings to be held on weekends (six hours on Saturday and six hours on Sundays) from September until May.
first meeting 25 and 26 settebre 2010 Opus Ballet at Florence, Via Ugo Foscolo 6
The workshop, held by Robert Bongini and with the participation of Gaia Scuderi, aims to offer specific training through a practical and theoretical study of expressive dance Arab East. The techniques and procedures that will be displayed are those developed and developed in the theater of the Arch of Florence from 1984 to present.
The workshop is primarily designed to train teachers, consist of three years, during which aims to provide the information necessary for the management of lessons: - Beginner-Intermediate in the first year in the second year in Advanced-third year. Each year is structured in 16 meetings to be held on weekends (six hours on Saturday and six hours on Sundays) from September until May.
first meeting 25 and 26 settebre 2010 Opus Ballet at Florence, Via Ugo Foscolo 6
Sunday, May 30, 2010
What Is Jeff Hardy's Hair Cut Called
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