social network analysis, reflects the shift from individualism typical of the social sciences, structural analysis. Ie implement a reassessment of the fundamental units of analysis (a) , and the development of a new analytical method (b) .
(a) The units becomes the fundamental REPORT STABILIS for example those that are in a relationship, a bond of friendship, but also the lines of communication between offices and can be considered as organizzaione reports. In addition to the specific attributes of individuals that make possible the report (age, sex, religion, etc ...) will take into account the exchanges taking place between social actors and type of resources that can be exchanged for different types tangible and intangible, and exchanged across different media, text, graphics, sound, media, etc. ....
Every relationship is characterized by:
- DIRECTORATE that allows you to indicate whether is directly or indirectly. If A helps B, we have two direct reports: giving support and receiving support, either the `actor may be involved in an indirect relationship of friendship that is maintained by Alter Ego that, if this does not happen you can check a report UNBALANCED : A friendship requires a more narrow, weak B, or communications may be more frequently intrapprese riespetto one actor to another.
- FORCE operationalization in the frequency with which you communicate with, the contents of the message that may be important or trivial, and the complexity of communication had, in the emotional support and consent obtained.
Another object of analysis are LINKS , which can be maintained through unique relationship (members of the same oraganizzaione) or multiple (cousins \u200b\u200b+ + fellow classmates of calcium). The links may vary in content, direction and strength, are usually characterized with adjectives, "strong or weak," even if that which is strong or weak varies greatly depending on the context. Ties are generally weak when they are not frequent and do not involve the exchange of personal information (such as bonds that develop between co-workers) but involves a smaller share access dives types of resources, as individuals are members of different networks; on the contrary strong ties require confidence, mutual exchange of frequent contacts and favors, as it is between relatives or close friends, in these cases, however, the members belong to the same network and have access to the same resources. The strength of the bonds is the subject of analysis of some studies that show that CMC reduces social costs linked to contact people who do not know via e-mail, that is in the workplace can lead to the phenomenon of "invisible colleges". MULTIPLE
relations are in most cases more intimate, voluntary and sustainable. Analysis is shown by some fear that e-mail, Internet etc. .. We are not the appropriate means to maintain multiple relationships.
The composition of relations or ties comes from the social attributes of both participants, example, if the dyad is of the same sex, if one has a greater role or whether it is a relationship that occurs between peers. The CMC, tends to under-represent the social cues of the participants, to focus instead on the content of the message penalize the characteristics of 'issuer and recipient, but it is precisely this characteristic that allows it to idebolire barriers and hierarchies from different status and to increase involvement of those who normally hold marginal positions in the network.
The analysis of the social network can be from two different points of view depending on whether you consider the nerwork take the role of ego, EGO-CENTERED or who consider in its entirety, taking on the look of an outside observer WHOLE NETWORKS .
The first viewpoint is compared to the Ptolemaic gaming, in which the individual is at the center and the network is built around him, relationships are defined according to the links that have the Alter Ego.

The second viewpoint is likened to the Copernican view, the approach considers the entire network that is necessarily limited by barriers formal, such an organization, department, club, and investigates both the presence of bonds that the non-presence of all members, with all members of the population.

once represented the network can identify a number of measures: RANGE , which varies in size and heterogeneity ', usually is the most extensive network, the more carattristiche of its members, and the structures that emerge within it will be heterogeneous. The network small and homogeneous, are typical of the villages and communities and have a high ability to preserve intact its resources. Centrality, measures arising from the analysis of who is central or isolated, whereas the different media (who is isolated in the network of e-mail, may be central to that of face to face). Who normally plays a central role, or who the mediator also has more connections with other members, and a possible output, the network may collapse. Roles allow the identification of typical patterns of relationships that can be found within the networks, for example in a network often uses the figure of one who is considered "more technical" or "innovatote.
(b) New analytical method: the information needed for the analysis of the network are obtained through questionnaires, interviews and only recently through the use of computer monitoring. The most frequent requests concerning the frequency of communication with others, and the means of interaction used. Inotre report is used to distinguish between "socialization" and report "informations". The time frame is often not investigated the immediate present, the interviewee may be asked to esseee richiamre behavior set in a large period of time, the more you depart from the present time, more and attedibilita acuratezza the `information will be compromised. Also, not all the episodes are remembered with the same ease and with the same meaning, that is, apart from observing the commemoration. Many researchers suggest that the ideal solution to combine methods including questionnaires, interviews, observation and artifacts. For the early-data is common to use , which allows you to organize ethnographic data, and possible models for people, attitudes, and activities implemented through the media. This process You can integrate the analysis of the structure of social networks (involving both individuals and institutions) with the analysis of its cognitive meaning. The ties between individuals are not the only sources of data, analysis of electronic text can identify relationships between words and sentences and then identify people who have similar conceptual orientations. Rinscontrabili issues during the processing of electronic data derived from the myriad of data can be easily found, and the question PRIVACY : sensitive topics will not be discussed if the user knows-to be monitored. A possible solution to this Case Study consists of a careful selection of the most relevant data, and construction anonymous codes to make the actions taken by the subjects observed.
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