Wednesday, November 4, 2009
How To Make A Ladder Rack
28 and Nov. 29 at ballet opus via u. 6 foscolo florence
Saturday from 16-00 to 20-00 of the study of expressive dance Tenice Arab;
Sunday from 14-00 to 18-00 of the technical study of the use of the veil Expressive dance in Arabic.
Intermediate and advanced levels.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Lots Of Company Names
courses taught by Roberta Bongini
from 09/14/2009
Monday choreographic laboratory Opus Ballet
20.30 22.00 6 Florence, Via Ugo Foscolo
bar on the ground Tuesday II level 18.15 19.15
Theatre fraternization via GPOrsini 73 Florence, organized by Opus Ballet
Tuesday Arab expressive dance intermediate advanced 19.30 21 oo
Theatre fraternization via GPOrsini 73 Florence, organized by opus ballet
Wednesday expressive dance beginners Arabic 20.00 21.15
Theatre fraternization via GP Orsini 73 Florence, organized by opus ballet
Thursday Arab expressive dance beginner workshop
21.30 20 Art Movement Viale dei Mille 90 courses taught by Florence
Gaia Scuderi
to partiredal 14 September 2009 at Opus Ballet
Monday bellydancing beginner 21 22.30
Tuesday Bellydancing Bellydancing
19.30 21.00 21.15 22.45 Intermediate Advanced
Wednesday Intermediate Bellydancing
19.15 20.45 21.00 22.45 Bellydancing
19 and 20 September 2009 First meeting
Vocational teachers expressive dance Arabic 2009 2012
Ballet at Opus 26 and September 27, 2009
first meeting Vocational teachers expressive dance Arabic 2008 2011
at Opus Ballet
seminars Piacenza
evolution of dance expressive approach to the Arab-Dance-Theatre
seminars are held at the Dance room away from the worm 41 Piacenza
Sunday from 13.30 to 17, 30
04/10/2009 13/12/2009
24/01/2010 03/21/2010 05/23/2010
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Arcade Legends Game Packs For Sale
14 15 16 July at 19.00 to 23.00
Roberta Bongini
Gaia Scuderi Ivana
Organized by Marilena
Sporting New Gym (Fitness and Wellness)
SS Romea Km 26 n 13
Porto Garibaldi (Ferrara)
Roberta Bongini
Gaia Scuderi 3334275211 3392367624 3385318768
Marilena Manfrini
Friday, June 12, 2009
How To Include In Memory On Wedding Program
Faculty of Sociology,
graduate program
in Sociology and Social Research.
held at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
Francesca Cavalieri
Project presentation Sonet p. 3
1.2 How does the interface page 5
2.1 Description of internship project page 6
2.2 Medotologia used
p. 11 2.3 The track
p. 17 interviewing
2.4 Selection of the sample page 20
3.1 The interviews page 21
results page 22
1.1. Project presentation Sonet.
Sonet occurs in the dual role of theoretical and applied research project, which aims to create even a research area within the Foundation on one of the most important trends in the world of ICT (Information and Communication Technology ) and apply this knowledge in the development of an instrument of social networking, aggregation and sharing of resources within
a working reality as one in which we are engaged, the Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
subject of theoretical research are social networks, both in terms of their characteristics and possible characterizations, both for the different algorithms that can provide additional services such as, for example, recommender systems and trust metrics. In other words, the idea is to create a sort of web portal and make sure that the Web becomes the platform for collaboration and sharing of knowledge within the FBK. The intention is to collect the real needs of users, ie other researchers, and build the application to meet and make available a tool that improves the quality 'of work and working relationships in FBK in key internal and outside.
addition to the sociological or the search is half the base of technological activity, necessary to build and implement the basic tool of the project, or the application itself. The
chose to use two frameworks on track and already used in the world of webdeveloper, tracing, and especially the open source philosophy. The back end side of the application, or server-side-side control the core of the project is committed to a framework called CakePHP, while the leadership of the portal is created using ExtJS, a JavaScript-based library that provides the objects that can easily compose an interface similar to desktop application-based and user-friendly which is one of the focal points is surely to stimulate in the user the desire to interact with the application and using it with all other users.
Another idea is to convert what you have built and then make it available to young people
order to approach the world of research and technology. It 'important to note that just the very young are the main actors of the enormous success of social networking globally, and how this research is then guided to study a phenomenon that is intended to
grow and change our society.
These portals will then be used as laboratories for research on social networking, studying and analyzing data, feedback, statistics and more. Obviously, these workshops will count active enough users to be adequate to the research, then some of the tasks will be to disseminate and implement policies to ensure that the social network to grow on their own: a good deal of probability of success depends hence the ability of developers to deliver and to instill a curiosity for this new "toy" in the workplace.
Once the project started, programmers intrappreso the search for some "champions" that employees of the Foundation were available to test the application and work via feedback to its evolution. The sample not appear to be a very significant statistically, as it is not random, and small, in fact, in a first phase, the collaborators were found among friends and colleagues from projects with compatible themes, to make sure that they are interested and encouraged to use the platform. Then with the addition of widgets responsible for sharing of materials (eg publications and wiki), or functions of a social nature that work, and you tried to involve whole groups that already exist so that `there may be a common core of subjects and to share issues on which to form new social interactions and enhance communication. Admission is
was monitored from the outset by programmers, who decide whether to allow access to researchers who express the desire to use the platform, and that in implementing this selection have been faced with two important issues:
PRIVACY: It is convenient to also allow access figures are particularly relevant in the Foundation? `This may create limitations in the use of the platform, because the user may feel controlled and may choose to communicate more or less personal information through other means. On the other hand, having people from different functional areas and levels of working is very objective the instrument to facilitate horizontal communication, lowering the barriers that normalmemte meet in a work environment.
proactive approach or fears: so far were chosen champions who have shown an active interest and participated, making it sensitive to the issue of communication and sharing, and who have asked to join under an expansive and sociable character, but there is a 'large part of the population through fear and timidity, though concerned and even being able to reveal a constant use of SONET, awaits an invitation, a request to participate, and it is not proposed individually.
How can then reach and engage these potential users? Other researchers are difficult but essential involvement are those who work at the site of the Pole of St. Clare. In fact, the sample located in Povo come only requests and responses are typical of those who are familiar and experienced in the use of technologies, emerging issues and obscured by those who have a basic knowledge of computers, the use of the platform or some of its parts. In addition, researchers in the research study, by applying the technology in different fields, have different needs, and as characteristic of SONET is the customization of the platform used to create usable tools and the various functional areas of research contained within the Foundation.
If a researcher indicated their intention to participate in the project, the group is sent from the SONET, an email in which he was initially asked what he expects from the platform, and
's what he thinks would be helpful. Once set their names, will be given a username and password through which you can access the platform. Access up to now can be done only from within the Foundation, and the first connecting to login interface
already contains the default application, the user can / must modify its will.
1.2.Come shows the interface.
On the screen, to your right you will find the profile dell'utilizzore: ie your
that provides a space for photos, publications and general information (email, phone, about me ), up to date. In this regard, it is continuously and strongly recommended to add more information as possible. The rest dela your "desk" is totally at your disposal, and you can change it or adapt it to your pleasure by including features that most befitting to your needs. You will find some widgets SEARCH WIDGET USERS including preset, allowing you to customize and compose your desktop according to your tastes and needs. You can choose between widgets that allow you to obtain and exchange information quickly, to search for other members' profiles and actions that have made (publications and wikis), to broaden and deepen relations (chat, forum, mail etc ...) or to quickly understand what happens within the Foundation in the upcoming hours and days (seminars, events, meetings, etc. ...); also operates the option that gives you weather information and breaking news. These are just some of the applications available, which is continually updated depending on rischieste arising from users, and the creativity of programmers.
To facilitate the use of the platform is also dispobinibile a guide (in English) and random
appear practical advice (Do you know) be placed in a yellow window.
2.1. Project description stage.
Within the Fondazione Bruno Kessler, has recently embarked on a project that Sonet is proposed in order to study the characteristics of the network that involves all researchers FBK, and the degree of internal cooperation between the humanities and science. This is done by providing tools and cooperative services "compelling" such as tags, wikis, chat, forum, events communication, to support greater sharing, aggregation, and collaboration between researchers working in different projects in different areas of study in both the formal / work, and informal / recreation. Up to now we have created a social networking platform, given a sample of 7 researchers contacted through personal knowledge. Based on the feedback they receive program, the platform will be modified, thus resulting in a tool changing depending on users. The task to be performed at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler will be to analyze the social development SONET project, describe how to use the platform for the purpose of having a 'clear and objective picture of how the use of the tool is evolving, with what results and what types of users is addressed. The draft stage will start with the construction of a questionnaire that will be used for relalizzazione more interviews in which they are touched some topical issues, interviews will be addressed both programmers Sonet, which for the champions, thus highlighting any discrepancies between users who were inspired by ideals of the first, real ones, and those deemed suitable by the champions. In addition, it will highlight any discrepancies in expectations and desires, trying to explain the inevitable misunderstandings about the use and evaluation of the instrument. In this way you can adjust, adapt and customize the program to suit the needs of users.
investigating "User Type" will use the semantic differential: a technique for detection of meanings and subjective attitudes to the object under investigation. The next step will be analysis and graphical representation of how the grid will be online, ie criteria that are included with new users, and that relationships are established between them. The end result of the training project will be a structured questionnaire to be submitted to all researchers of the Foundation, with the aim of obtaining a clear picture of the relationships that were formed both on the web through the use of SONET, is in reality. These later could then be compared to each other, and through the revival of the questionnaire in time, you can monitor the evolution coming to a diachronic analysis of the network.
The evolution of the project will build on research on communication m ediata computer (CMC) investigating how the individual uses the interface of your PC, like individuals interaggiscono online, or the activities of small groups virtual.
With the recent spread CMC research needs to go beyond the study of the use of the individual, dyadic ties and small groups, and to draw attention to the social network supported by the computer (CSSNs). To understand the interrelationships between network computer, CMC, and social processes, you can still use the typical approach of the respective network.
In its classical sense, the Social Network aims to describe the networks of social relations, exchanges of information or other resources, and through what 'discover what effects these relations have on individuals and organizations, and examine how the role within a social network will facilitate the understanding of comportamneto and attitude of the members (ie those who is located in a peripheral location makes greater use of e-mail? And this increases the feeling of involvement?). Social Network Analysis studies the dyadic ties, their interpretation, and function, whereas the social environment in which it is located, also noting that the reports that the dyad necessatimanete and individuals have with the rest of the network, and the environment where they are.
2.1.a.Introduzione theoretical.
And 'This is the fundamental difference between Social Network Analysis and CMC (Computer Mediated Communication), which instead deals with how computer-based technologies, particularly computers, enable particular forms of distance communication between human beings, without analyzing the relational environment.
We talk about computer-mediated communication when using a computer, you can initiate and support an exchange of distance communication, in text or graphical mode, synchronous or asynchronous, through an electronic network made up of two or more computers (such as the network internet). The prerequisites of such communication imply the use of a computer by the issuer and the recipient of a connection for access to the computer network (or a dedicated phone line, cable or wireless) and communication software specialized.
To find out how A relates to B and C, you must also understand the relationship between B and C. In fact, there are direct links (Alter-Ego) and indirect (Alter-Ego Alter). The bonds linking the components of indirect relationships in a wide social system that allows the acquisition of resources, and the emergence of coalitions and division. These often have no clearly defined boundaries, a description of the network through the identification of groups only simplifies too much the computer network.
social network analysis, reflects the shift from individualism typical of the social sciences, structural analysis. Ie implement a reassessment of the fundamental unit of analysis and development of a new analytical method. The fundamental units
becomes the ralations, for example those that STABILIS within a relationship, a friendship bond, but also the lines of communication between offices and can be considered as organizzaione reports. In addition to the specific attributes of individuals that make possible the report (age, sex, religion, etc ...) will take into consideration
exchanges that take place between social actors and type of resources that can be exchanged for different kind, whether tangible or intangible, and exchanged across different media, text, graphics, sound, media
etc. ... Every relationship is characterized by:
Management that allows you to specify whether direct or indirect. If A helps B, we have two direct reports: giving support and receiving support, either the `actor may be involved in an indirect relationship of friendship that is maintained by Alter Ego that, if this does not happen there may be a biased report : A requires a closer friendship, a weak B, or communications may be more frequently intrapprese riespetto one actor to another.
Force that will operationalize the frequency with which they communicate the contents of the message
that may be important or trivial, and the complexity of communications entertained in emotional support and consent obtained.
Another object of analysis are the links that can be maintained through individual reports (members of the same organization) or multiple (cousins \u200b\u200b+ + fellow classmates of calcium). The links may vary in content, direction and strength, are usually characterized
with adjectives, "strong or weak," even if that which is strong or weak varies greatly depending on the context. Ties are generally weak when they are not frequent and do not involve the exchange of personal information (such as bonds that develop between co-workers) but involves a smaller share access to resources, types of dives, as are individuals belonging to different networks on the contrary strong ties require trust, mutual exchange of favors and frequent contact, as happens between relatives or close friends, in these cases, however, the members belong to the same network and have access to the same resources. The strength of the bonds is the subject of analysis of some studies that show that CMC reduces social costs linked to contact people who do not know via e-mail in the workplace that can lead to the phenomenon
of "invisible colleges" . The multiple relationships are in most cases private, voluntary and sustainable. From analysis showed some concern that e-mail, Internet etc. .. We are not the appropriate means to maintain multiple relationships. The composition
relationships or social ties derived from the attributes of both participants, for example, if the dyad is composed of individuals of the same sex, if one has a greater role or whether it is a relationship that occurs between peers. The CMC, tends to under-represent the social cues of the participants, to focus instead on the content of the message by penalizing the characteristics of 'issuer and recipient, but it is precisely this characteristic that allows it to weaken the barriers and hierarchies from different status and to increase the involvement of those who normally hold marginal positions in the network.
The analysis of the social network can be from two different points of view depending on that consider the nerwork take the role of ego, ego-centered or that it considers in its entirety, taking on the look of an outside observer whole networks.
The first viewpoint is compared to the Ptolemaic system, for which the individual is at the center and the network is built around him, relationships are defined according to the links that have Alter
with the 'Ego . This approach is functional if the population is particularly large or if the borders are difficult to define. In fact it has been used to investigate the sense of community or how to find a new job.
The second viewpoint is likened to the Copernican view, the approach Considering the whole network that is necessarily limited by formal barriers, eg. an organization, department, club, and investigates both the presence of bonds that the non presence of all members, with all members of the population. This will show who plays the roles centriali, some marginal ones, but those who have the funizione a bridge. This view will be able to be applied only in cases of limited network is spatially and numerically, in fact the number of possible links is equal to (n * (n-1) / 2. For example, for a population of 20 individuals will develop 380 links for each report. Once represented the network, we can identify some measures:
Range, which varies in size and heterogeneity, it is usually more extensive the network, plus carattristiche of its members, and the structures that emerge within it will be heterogeneous. The network small and homogeneous, are typical of the villages and communities and have a high ability to preserve intact its resources.
Centrality is a measure derived from the analysis of who is central or isolated, whereas the different media (who is isolated in the network of e-mail, may be central to that of face to face). Who normally plays a central role, or who the mediator also has more connections with other members, and a possible output, the network may collapse.
Roles instead allows the identification of typical patterns of relationships that can be found within the networks, for example in a network often uses the figure of one who is considered "more technical" or "innovator."
new analytical methods. The information needed for the analysis of the network are obtained through questionnaires, interviews and only recently through the use of computer monitoring. The most frequent requests concerning the frequency of communication with others, and the means of interaction used. It is also used to distinguish between report "socialization" and
report "informations".
The time span investigated is often not the immediate present. Interviewee may be asked to recall a behavior set in a large period of time, the more you depart from the present time, more accuracy and reliability of the `information will be compromised. Also, not all the episodes are remembered with the same ease and with the same meaning, what distinguishes the re-enactment of observation.
Many researchers suggest that the ideal solution to combine methods including questionnaires, interviews, observation and artifacts. For data processing is common to use, that allows you to organize ethnographic data, and possible models for people, attitudes, and activities implemented through the media. This process allows the integration of the analysis of the structure of social networks (involving both individuals and institutions) with the analysis of its cognitive meaning. The ties between individuals are not the only sources of data. The analysis of electronic text can identify relationships between words and sentences and then identify people who have similar conceptual orientations. The problems encountered during the processing of electronic data
derive from the myriad of data can be easily found, and the privacy issue: non-sensitive topics will be discussed if the user knows that monitored.
One possible solution to these problems is a careful selection of relevant data, and building codes to make anonymous the actions taken by the subjects observed.
2.2. Methodology used.
The main instrument of data collection consists of a questionnaire during a 'semi-structured interview, with the result that the data that will result will be qualitative and primary type. I remember that during a search you usually can use primary data collected by the researcher or a view of a particular research objective and / or secondary data, collected by others, in which the researcher accessed without being directly affected or involved in the collection phase.
The interview contains traces of the topics that need to be addressed during the meeting, it may consist of a list of topics or a series of general questions. Although this sets a track used during all interviews, conducting the interview may vary based on the answers given by the interviewee and based on the individual situation. The interviewer, in fact, can not address issues not covered by the track but, unlike structured interview, can develop some arguments that arise spontaneously during the interview if he considers that these arguments are useful for understanding the phenomenon studied. It can happen, for example, that the respondent advances some answers and then the interviewer may have to change the order of questions. In practice, track down a sort of perimeter within which the interviewee interviewer have freedom of movement allowing him to treat all the necessary arguments for knowledge purposes.
Not having as its primary objective the generalization of the results, but wanting to detect any possible information on 'use and non use of the platform, I ask myself `Case Study of the randomness of the sample, it is not chosen randomly, but weighted, trying to identify the champions who best represent the types of users as possible (eg. who constantly uses SONET, who has never used, who has stopped using it, etc. ...).
In conducting interviews, my primary objective was to access the perspective of the subject studied, taking its conceptual categories, his interpretations of reality and its attitudes towards the social network (real and virtual). An application under interview will aim to push the interviewee to the criticism of himself and his actions and explicit outcomes of this reflection, so you can divide the interview into two parts, the first due to the structure of semi-structured interview, the second character will instead have a "questionariale.
2.2.a. Attitudes.
Before proceeding is necessary to clarify what is meant in sociology by the term "attitude" because it is precisely the attitude that you are going to investigate. The term attitude is used for the first time by sociologists Thomas and Znaniecki in 1918 in the search "The Polish Peasant." The authors defined this term as a process of individual consciousness (mental) determining the actual and potential responses (actions) of each individual in relation to his social environment.
Attitudes are therefore part of social values, they are conceived as
related to a single object while the value systems are the guidelines to entire classes of objects. Individual attitudes are often organized within a system of values. The first official definition of attitude (loosely) was that of Gordon Allport, who regarded him as a neurological or mental state of readiness organized through experience, that directive or dynamic influence on the response of the individual against any object or situation which enters into a relationship.
The attitude is, therefore, a psychological construct consists of three components of different nature:
· Electroacoustical Components cognitive knowledge of a certain object or subject or the information and beliefs that individuals possess about the object that turns attention, affective
· Electroacoustical Components: This is given by the emotional response that the subject arouses
· Electroacoustical Components behavioral: is given by the willingness to act accordingly or action relative to approach or avoidance).
This definition highlights the fact that we speak of a state not directly observable and that it is a variable that intervenes between the stimulus and response. Precisely for this information on the attitudes are more difficult to obtain because the researcher put in front of a number of issues. First, because of their nature, fuzzy
which makes it difficult and elusive concept in the transformation of variables, and secondly because the issues that concern attitudes relate to matters on which the respondent can respond on the basis of social desirability.
2.2.b. The tools.
The survey of attitudes is therefore complicated and there is an accurate and totally reliable. However, there are tools for collecting and analyzing data that detect clues as to their understanding. One of these is the technique at the base of the stairs there is the idea that even purely mental properties can be detected because they are continuous and measurable properties. In this case, the unit of analysis is the individual, the general concept is an attitude (basic beliefs can not be detected directly) are the views and concepts specific (empirically detectable expression of an attitude). A specific level and the physical scale is a coherent set of elements that are considered indicators concept of a more general
There are different types of attitude scales, eg. Likert scale, Guttman scale, but we can identify commonalities:
· require the involvement of the subject in determining the score of the state property to be collected
· is based on an interpretation of one-dimensional properties
° using batteries stimulus sentences (items) that monitor reviews and allow to probe the size of the attitude latent
· Each battery of stimulus sentences may refer to one or more attitudes
· the batteries generate measures consisting of scores (scores) tend to scale cardinal.
But like any method, is not immune from the distortions (alteration of the actual state of the subject property involved in the process of detection and / or registration), both in terms of items that the battery of items. Regardless of the scale is considered possible to identify five types of distortions that try to reduce to a minimum during the interview:
· Presentation of the self
· Nature semantics of variable
· Structure formal
· Succession questions
· Answers provided by the interviewee
In the interviewproject will start with general questions about the interviewee's relationship with colleagues, work environment, technology, innovation, to understand the working environment, as perceived and can be edited by the interviewee. After that, "broke the ice" than structural questions (age, gender, project membership, etc ...) you will arrive at the more structured and focused interview, then:
1. multiple choice questions
2. batteries of items to which they respond by choosing from five to seven modes of response ranging from: Fully agree, agree, uncertain, disagree, fully disagreement (Likert scale)
3. pairs of bipolar adjectives, among which is located a scale with 5 or 7 positions (technical
differenzale semantic)
The semantic differential is possible to investigate the ideals of the respondents from previous interviews and discussions with developers will seek to obtain the fundamental traits that describe and characterize the object of research (in our case desktop), which may be expressed in the form of adjectives and short phrases, and that will be converted to form bipolar.
Each item consists of a scale with adjectives or short phrases, as opposed to the two poles and one pole and five spaces between each other. For example:
Active□ □ □ □ □ Passive
Efficient □ □ □ □ □ Inefficient
Global □ □ □ □ □ Local
Public □ □ □ □ □ Private
from the assessment of be created as a result of the new variables / scores through
factor analysis of the bipolar scales, the process consists in the selection and compaction
scales based on continuity and consistency dell'accezione terms and reduces the number of variables to ensure comparability. In this part
you will explore the use of SONET, or use of alternative means socialized, their habits relational virtual and real. On completion of the questionnaire will have to consider the distortions typical battery of questions:
· Responsible set: the batteries fester allow a faster delivery of applications, may cause the interviewee to give the same answer, in a mechanical way and always the same regardless of the content of the application. To avoid this you must reduce the number of items in each battery, and to locate it is necessary to reverse the polarity of the semantic item.
· acquiescent response set: a tendency to declare always agree with all the statements submitted.
· reaction to the object: the interviewee does not respond to the allegations, but the characters, actions, situations mentioned by the claims themselves. Example declares disagreement or agreement with what the characters say, but not with that which expresses the demand.
· Mock double negative.
· curvilinear: the wording of an item leads to choose the same alternative response by two subjects, with rival views on the issue. This occurs because these individuals, giving the same answer but having a different opinion, have the same score distorting the resulting image from the questionnaire. (To solve this problem some authors advise to choose extreme claims (Coombs), but doing so is likely to eliminate all responses moderate extremism, creating a non-real (Marradi).
From the formal point of view, the items must be structurally simple, ie consist of a single statement referring to a single object, thereby avoiding the double-barreled type of items, or statements that refer to two different situations of the same object. The items must also be "semantically simple" that is defined with a unambiguous terminology and as close as possible to that of the current language of the interviewee (Cacciola - Marradi 1988).
Once the interview, it will be transcribed and entered into a database, from here we will proceed to process the data. One problem we find is that the psychological and social properties that we went to investigate can be thought of as continuous variables measured, but no units of measure. To overcome this limitation we will use scaling techniques. That is, the response is recoded by assigning a numeric value, then you can treat them as cardinal variables, but in reality this can not be made ahead for all the answers you get, in some cases the distance between an opinion and the other is not measurable, So the only thing that could make a comparison, determining if the phenomenon is investigated in greater or lesser extent.
ternimante Once the interviews will seek to outline the problems encountered in the use of the platform issues, suggestions and most often a type of user. To outline the structure of social network data will be treated with programs such as UCINET, Multinet, or Neqopy. There will then matrices with columns and rows that represent our unit of analysis and the variables considered, while entering the frequency of communication, we will obtain information on the presence of sub-groups, contacts with the outside world, isolated individuals, or individuals for power plants. Will be used in the field notes and impressions of the researcher to describe the climate of work and interpret and weigh appropriately the information gathered.
2.2.c. Modes.
After defining the methodology, the task now is to delineate areas of interest that arise during the interview, and the formulation of the questions are more structured. The analysis that you will make will affect the entire population of a well-defined group of researchers (champions), the network will then be analyzed by adopting a point of view of the entire network of relationships, and the overall composition will be investigated, the role played by the various components, and links these with the external environment. With particular attention to the role of SONET, in the mode of communication.
We will try to answer any questions you like,
• Who speaks with whom?
· Regarding what?
· That tool uses, with whom and what to talk about?
• In how far the links are maintained by the CMC and how?
• How interpersonal relationships (friendships, employment, organizational, etc.).
affect the use of CMC?
· The personal characteristics (ascribed and acquired) affecting the use of Cc?
· How and how CMC differs from face to face communication?
· CMC creates a social metwork different from traditional media?
The interview will start with my presentation and that of the research project will be followed by that of the researcher interviewed in this initial stage we will try to create a pleasant climate, and to gather background information such as its unit of membership, the project you are working, the tools used, the general conditions.
general questions will follow the method of "recruitment" in which the interviewee will be given ample that, if you will, may or may not go into that, bring their own considerations, anecdotes, personal impressions on the first login, expectations, etc ... The answer will guide suggests several possible ways (eg through the invitation of programmers or other champions, for personal interest or curiosity).
It will then investigate more in particular the platform and then how it is used, what are the main activities, what is used on average, such as problems encountered and the reasons that lead the interviewee to use. In this case will
used a visual aid: it is expected to be used the semantic differential technique, which will be as applicable in the hypothetical writing antithetical features of the platform, the researcher read and then will be placed on one of the five positions. To identify the terms of the differential we will fall back to the literature indicated, and will not be
adjectives typical and representative of a web platform, but also belonging to the organizational and social sphere.
interaction on the platform and the network will be investigated with the help of the list of all champions
printed and submitted to each interviewee. In this way, when you
will ask questions about the network you can point directly to the participants at the list of names (this should avoid oversights). In total will be made a folder of questions to determine: knowledge intensive, friendship, confidence that you have with colleagues, the level of trust, etc. ..
Finally a space will be reserved for addressing privacy and confidentiality level of informations exchanged, and to offer suggestions, but not to improve the design or technical design of the platform, but recommendations arising from personal needs relating to the social: for example, need private chatrooms, or limiting access to sensitive information some users, or even shared spaces can be created on time and completed the 'interview, be eliminated.
2.3. The track of maintenance.
The result of the work is a trace of the interview (which on average will last
30/40 minutes), in which they identified five main topics, treated with both structured and open questions in which then will be given more or less importance depending on the evolution of the debate spoke to the respondent.
1) Presentation of research, as it is born, as has been done, by the way Data collected will be handled, our initial question. The presentation of the 'interview, so its
work, and his views about the role it plays, working atmosphere we breathe, the tools used, etc. ...
2) Questions about the "recruitment" as was the case, orally or informally via e-mail invitation, and then more formal? It has been proposed as a champion, or has been invited? What were your initial expectations (were disregarded?), What motivations led him to accept and be interested in the project?
He decided to become champion because:
-I was invited by programmers are was intrigued.
-To do a favor for programmers.
-I have been informed by another champion and I was intrigued.
-I heard about it and I'm interested.
-I inform the news and I always like to attend.
First login: first impression,
the platform is curious, banal, interactive?
3) Please give us recall some details of his use of the platform in reference
last month:
Highlight implementing two activities more frequently and more rarely two:
-Mando e-mail
-I read the newspaper
-Research information on the profiles
-update my profile
-participant discussion forum
send feedback-control events
average, each as access to the internet and the platform?
-2 / 3 times a week once a week
-1 -2 -1
times a month once a month on average for each access
how long stays connected, and all ' interior of the platform?
-Over 5 hours
-3 to 5 hours
-1 hour-less than 30 minutes
-less than 10 minutes
semantic differential (see Appendix).
What is considered an expert in the use of the platform,
1 --------------------- 10
When the platform is problematic from
1 ---------------------- 10
{if 1 / 5, and therefore is not problematic because it is not? if 6 / 10 is problematic Why?}
as it uses the platform,
1 ---------------------- 10
4) Social Platform: presentation only list colleagues Log in and with the role, to identify relationships
born Platform: having the card in front of ...
5 people that Iindicating more frequent contact
Once the description is asked to indicate for each colleague cited:
degree of friendship between 1 and 10
degree of complicity from 1 to 10
able to tune from 1 to 10
ties maintained by the platform: there
-all before?
-have reinforced?
-have been weakened?
-are born again?
-were virtual?
5) Question privacy and confidentiality of information exchanged:
- What type of information normally considered to be exchanged on a chat?
- There are taboo topics, which normally does not deal at work, or it does not address the
- If they had access also figures "sensitive" (group leaders, directors, chiefs, etc ...) the
communication mode change?
In this regard, it is very, very, not at all agree with:
- In a work environment, non-public personal information.
- My boss can access all my information so I do not put sensitive data.
- Not the best way to prefer other ways your personal information.
- I'm talking about any thing.
Suggestions? (Not related to the computer part of the platform, but that name):
- He feels the 'need to create a private chatroom, or space theme at the moment?
- According to her, 'useful become invisible?
- Suggest to control and / or restrict access to certain information?
2.4. Selection of the sample.
subjected the model to the interview Valio programmers, and make the appropriate changes according to their cognitive needs, the task now is to identify suitable and willing to champion the implementation of the interview. For facilitate this, and to introduce and explain to champion the goal of future interviews, I am invited to attend the "Breakfast of Champions" event organized by the group Sonet where champions are asked to report face to face, they leave from the virtual, and switching to real knowledge, knowledge that is a required step if you want to get a share of knowledge. The climate is' very informal, and the event is an alternative method and nice to get feedback, which can be reached both during the initial discussion, but also cookies and coffee.
The idea of \u200b\u200bbreakfast is thus born with the intent to realize the relationship until now remained virtual or otherwise limited to a fleeting greeting, and begin to others: if you do not know who is sitting beside me, through the desktop, I can easily get the name, where he works, what it takes, or I can see who is linking to whom I sent an email, or who is the one who organizes the sushi dinners.
addition to this order to formalize relations, proprosta is a demo on the functioning of piattafoma and its main components. Compared with earlier versions, this tool is its changing nature, is significantly changed, then the demonstration is intended to establish and show the operation (those who are not expert in using the PC): how to access, how to customize , If you have problems to turn, which potentials and new widgets. In particular descrtitta is the timeline that shows birthdays, new arrivals, the changes made by other members on their profile, or desktop (that way you try to encourage increased activity by such imitation. Though many people add a windget most likely it will be useful or amusing then I try to add too).
Another recently added feature is workplace that shows the layout of the building in which the champions can be placed according to their workstation, and therefore easily identified. Seems particularly successful then collect the cam that controls "traffic" in the cafeteria area during lunch time, and the board: a board in order to restrict the use of e-mail sent to Fbk all that often overwhelm the already chaotic inbox researchers.
sonetters The question that we pose to pose, and then champion is "whether and how this tool can 'influence the management of relations in Fbk, whereas the objective (to improve sharing and communication) and distributed in the future to all users. "
Focal seem to understand what's working and what's "funny" (section on leisure and
moments of pause) should be in the platform, and if you can combine the two dimensions. How much social as it is functional and should be the instrument, and focus on what features need to promote the use, as only a constant use by users will be able to make the desktop more
'useful, systematic, operational and fun.
A 'other issue that emerges and' related to privacy: All data obtained from the platform, just as happens with all the technological tools, are collected and stored. It is therefore working on a "privacy politics" to be submitted to future users, which will be explained how the data collected will be used (as an aggregate and anonymous) will be spent and for what purpose. Sold out the first part the meeting, you finish breakfast, but the meeting is not finished, continue on an informal exchange of opinions, advice, and I am looking for my future potential interviewees, to whom I explain my plan to stage, and announced that Soon it will be sent an availability request to the interviews needed for monitoring the evolution of the platform and communications.
3.1. Interviews.
After establishing the text of the e-mail request for cooperation for the realization of the interviews, it is forwarded to all the champion, if available, which will set the date with me
and time of the meeting. The interviews are all made within the Foundation, the office concerned or in a room available. The interviews averaged 50 minutes, and with the consent of the interviewee are also recorded, but to avoid technical problems I note down the main informations.
generally take place in a very informal atmosphere using the shape of you, having been interviewed and those who first became available, they dimostati very involved and interested in the project, for which the answers are complete and well argued ( features that we do not expect those who make little use of piattafoma). E 'can feel the commitment from researchers interviewed to provide information and comprehensive, and their general interest in the project.
In all cases, except one, the interviewee prefers to undergo the interview without the presence of other colleagues, not to annoy or disturb another, or to respond more freely, and nobody seems to disturb the presence of the recorder. Some of them had also been involved during the course "Methods and Techniques" held last year by Professor Odell, confirming that the researchers interviewed by me is a curiosity and availability resulting from personal, connected in part to young age that distinguishes them. If you want to define a typical profile of the respondent can indicate as a young researcher, male, inquisitive and critical mind, with a good knowledge of technology, is well within the working environment.
3.2. Results.
Respondents different roles within the Foundation, with regard to the researchers, explained that normally comes to me every researcher deals with multiple projects, but officially belongs to each one unit. Those who is part of the administration does not have a particular project, but its aim is to offer services to unity. Depending on your role and the type of project you worked, the number of co-workers, and persons with whom contact has more varied will be minimal if you are dealing with only one project (3 \\ 4), and maximum when it is in administration (20/25). In most cases you do not have an office policy, (although in the Foundation is experiencing a reorganization of its space to bring the members of
same unit), this means that communications are working in most cases mediated. Mainly, for this purpose, we use e-mail and instant messaging, the phone occasionally, and still We rarely went to the office of his colleague.
3.2.a. Use of technology.
We can therefore assume that all those working within the foundation, regardless of age and previous career, have a certain familiarity nell'utlizzo of new technologies (skills required by the structure of the foundation) and are used to move through virtual environments. Specifically, the e-mails are exchanged using the internal address, or gmail, to chat while you are using tools such as Gtalk, or skip. Each employee then has available a telephone number, available through the list telephone and the Foundation's website on which you can also find information about conferences seminars and events, bureaucratic procedures, etc ... Each project has a duration variable, but on average we see an average of 2 / 3 years and during this period, the components group and the unit may change. Respondents in the past and then worked with several colleagues, and continue to meet new ones. This continuous
Tourn-over, means that within the Foundation can be identified "two schools": that which we call "old", composed of those who work the longest and who have a greater age, and that "new" that includes all new employees, students and interns. This difference in age and cohort seems to emerge especially in the way of "live" working environment, the tools and technology. An 'other variable that is considered to be influential is the path of study: those who have addressed the humanities seem to be more sensitive to group dynamics and communication, and pay attention to the climate and the social dimension of the Foundation, compared with those who have conducted studies technical / scientific. But that does not restrict the communication within the units, which are composed of researchers with diverse backgrounds, which are highly sectorialized, specific and completely focused on your goal.
The strong difference in the interest and demand for energy, makes the unit becomes a "cell-tight" difficult to access for those who are outside, and difficult to escape for those who work within it. For this reason, the communication and collaboration between units and researchers is a rare event and not always seen positive addition to the reasons described above structural organization of the Foundation, there are also personal reasons that hinder communication: there is a sort of jealousy for their project which pushes the researcher not to disclose the results or to sottarre time and resources to their work to focus on shared goals, also variety and inconsistency of the issues often makes it difficult to find common ground on which to base a possible collaboration, partly because it would commit time and resources, which are scarce and valuable items.
The few partnerships that occur are then left to the free will of the individual researcher acting on the basis of friendships and relationships are not formally recognized. A rare exception is if they come proposals for cooperation from the head of research, in this case the work together is formalized and structured.
Figure 1: I decided to divenatre champion? Even
3.2.b. Regularly occurring Using the platform.
It 'just from these two models of attitude, we can explain the different ways we use and interpretation of the platform that also emerge the graph below, (No. 2) summarizing the activities carried out: on the one hand, outlines a standard ideal user merely reads Desktop key, avoiding, and in some cases criticizing the applications related to social and recreational (eg chat, nevedem, comments on status) and using only those functional to his work (eg, links, news, search phone number) and using the minimum time necessary
. Antipodes, we find a happy user of capacity especially socialized
instrument, a quality that until now was not detectable in any other means made available by the Foundation, in which case our typical user experiences the new widget, send feedback, is involved and supports the ideology of the project, spending time and energy.
between the two poles can be placed all those they consider more or less equivalent to the social dimension
and work.
Figure 2: When access to the platform identifies the activities that are carried out mainly are:
of behavior: before it sees the active participation in the comunity, by updating your profile, initiating discussions, the creation of events, etc. ... The second one is normally intrappresa by those who want character, either by lack of sufficient incentives, they just see what happens or attenedere a call before attending any activities. Maintaining our focus on the social dimension, we note that it is this variable that affects the creation of new interactions and real or virtual, in fact, who said he had sent feedback, use the chat and comment on the status, also found a better fluency in communication with programmers Sonet (in many cases not previously exist), and in general, with the champions with whom there was already a relationship, this has intensified. However, when the user limits his activity to the social profiles of consultation and work applications, the direct social effects are zero, but improved quickly able to detect indirect link between the name, face and group membership of champions.
3.2.c. Criticisms and suggestions.
In none of the cases examined were created new relationships (main purpose of the platform), and if there is an adequate degree of confidence that communication is still via email, then just chat; step further is when you out of the virtual dimension and move to the real one, in the examples riportatomi what happened but limited to a fleeting greeting or a chat during a coffee break. To encourage and deepen this step, mandatory in order to bring out collaborations and communications, it is necessary to create common starting points, highlight issues and shared interests (eg through a forum), on which users can begin to talk, you need to create a "common language" element that seems to be missing in an environment where you risk going into an office to hear about interaction design, Network Analysis, the lack of communication, hardware and relations with trade unions, and cut out spaces and real moments to share.
Particularly difficult is to change attitudes and behavior of individuals will require more than just a new tool to act on the social model used so far within the foundation, will also serve to spread its own interpretation suitable and profitable for users to realize its potential. All researchers are aware of the mutual relationship between time, effort devoted to the use and improvement of the Desktop and the benefits it would, but few act accordingly, because socialized and accustomed to other means to informal rules that provide for collaboration and interaction .
To improve the situation some of the same respondents suggest not to engage employees individually or as a foundation, but to consider the entire work unit and treat it like compact body, trying to meet its requirements, and to spread a "common spirit". Another strategy that was functional in the project is to create moments of encounter between the champions, where in addition to the comparison between users and programmers, you can have a real recognition of the group that is forming, growing those relationships, changes the instrument and the results or shortcomings.
Until now, the platform is not automatically used by the users, but requires an "effort" is necessary for any innovation to be able to spread and affirm. Users interviewed, unless technical difficulties have set as Desktop homepage, and stay connected during the whole working day. In fact, the real attention dedicated to him is reduced to an average of 10 \\ 15 minutes a day, because normally they work on one or more Pc and it is their habit and need to follow several different tabs that are kept open at once and recalled when needed. Among these tabs are also Desktop that in most cases is riprisitinato when you need a little time, or early the day before starting the job.
descriptions collected from the users "are trying to make good use of the instrument as possible," it shows that it is still efforts are needed to use, and this is required (though limited) time and care to give up even more, the researchers believe. This "lazy" does not seem to derive partcolari computer skills required for the use of the instrument, in fact no greater than those encountered difficulties encountered during normal web browsing, reporting fact that Desktop is a simple, immediate, and like other social
network normally busy, but is due to structural and cultural must encourage people to save time and energy to spend on projects which will make sure both economic and social gains.
semantic differential.
Active | □ □ □ □ □ | Liabilities |
Efficient | □ □ □ □ □ | Inefficient |
Global | □ □ □ □ □ | Local |
Public | □ □ □ □ □ | Private |
Formal | □ □ □ □ □ | Informle |
Monotone | □ □ □ □ □ | Colored |
Dynamics | □ □ □ □ □ | Static |
Sad | □ □ □ □ □ | Allegro |
Staff | □ □ □ □ □ | Collective |
Funny | □ □ □ □ □ | Boring |
Interactive | □ □ □ □ □ | Set |
Superificiale | □ □ □ □ □ | Deep |
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Quad.22 Department of Sociology and Social Research.
L. Garton, "Studying Online Social Networks ",
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30 (2008) 283-296
K. Lewis, J. Kaufman, "Tastes, ties, and time: A new social network dataset using", available in the journal Social Network 30 (2008) 330-342.
D. Obstfeld, "Social networks, the Tertius Iungens Orientation, and Involvement in Innovation", available in Administrative Science Quarterly No 50 (2005) 100-130
Fortunata Piselli, "Networks. The network analysis in the social sciences", Donzelli, 1995.
P. Corbetta, "Methods and techniques of social research", The Mill, 1999.
A. Marradi, "Methodology of Social Sciences," The Mill, 2007.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Jenna Stroke Piercings
stage Rosignano summer vacation with Gaia Scuderi Roberta Bongini
For the summer we have an event that would give both the opportunity to enjoy a maritime area which to study and deepen Arab dance. For the "fun" will be held mornings at sea, and group dinners at which they can adhere freely to interested we could provide the names of out hotels for our members.
Friday, July 3 pm-00 19-00 alle21 expressive dance technique taught by Arab Gaia Scuderi eRoberta Bongini.
Sabato 4 luglio dalle 16-00 alle 20-00 ritmi arabi e gestualità della danza tenuto da Roberta Bongini
domenica 5 luglio dalle 11-00 alle 15-00 coreografia per assolo su tabla tenuto da Gaia Scuderi e Roberta Bongini
Costo dello stage: 130 euro iscrizioni entro il 10 giugno versando il 50 % della somma a Marco Manetti tramite vaglia postale a lui intestato
per info 0586792452
Sunday, May 31, 2009
National Average Bmi Per Country
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
What Happens If You Swallow Magic Mouthwash
at Opus Ballet
Saturday 30
Monday, May 18, 2009
Vicodin Stomach Hurts
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Pioneer Head Unit Sound Quality
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Water Leak In Rear Seat Of Saturn
19 and September 20, 2009 will begin a new cycle of training teachers of dance expression given by Arab Roberta Bongini .
teachers attending the training:
Roberta Bongini
Gaia Scuderi
Kassim Bayatly
Jamal Ouassini
Gabriele Belloni
Friday, April 24, 2009
Mount And Blade No Sound Bug
isthmus is a strip of land that links two worlds but is also a place not well defined between the earth and sky, so the dance, which absorbs the horizontal motion in a dance of thought and energy penetrates a vertical dimension to the man giving the opportunity to travel a path toward himself.
The isthmus and dance theater company founded in 2008 from Robert Bongini artistic, Gaia Scuderi, Ivana Caffaratto and Serena Cuccaro. Origin and formation of different components of the company have in common the study of dance in different cultures over time has become a kind of organic contamination of artistic genres, understood both in terms of biological development, train yourselves through that type of path artistic, both in terms of the development of body-mind in relation to a specific artistic environment intercultural .
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Chinses' Medicine; What Is The Cause For Pruritus
at the gym Body Line street of the fence (near station Rifredi)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Dental Forceps And Their Names
The "champions" are called to report Face to Face, is out of the virtual, and switching to real knowledge, and knowledge that 'a ride required if you want to get a sharing of knowledge. The climate is 'very informal, and the event is an alternative method and nice to get feedback, both coming during the initial discussion, but also between coffee and biscuits'. c \\ _ /
The idea of \u200b\u200bbreakfast, 'and then started with the intent to realize the relationship until now remained virtual, or otherwise limited to a fleeting greeting, and to start than others and do not know who 'sitting next to me, through the desktop, I can easily get the name, where employed, What does, or I can see who 'the colleague to whom I sent an email, or who is' one who organizes dinners souschi!
addition to this goal of "formalization" of relations, is a DEMO proprosta piattafoma concerning the operation and its main components. Compared with earlier versions, and that this instrument 'for its changing nature, is significantly changed, then the demonstration is intended to establish and use mostrarene (who does not and 'expert in the use of the PC): how to access, how to customize it, if you encounter any difficulty' to go, the potential 'and the new widget. In particular is the descrtitta TIMELINE showing birthdays, new arrivals, the changes made by other members on their profile, or desktop (that way you try to encourage more activities' eg through imitation. Though in many add a windget, most likely will be 'useful or amusing then I try to add too). Another feature recently added and ' WORKPLACE shows the layout of the building in which the champions can be placed according to their workstation, and then easily identify. Especially success seems to have the House and then checks the "traffic " table in the area during the lunch hour, and the Board : a blackboard in order to restrict the use of e-mail sent to all Fbk that often overload the already 'messy inbox researchers.
sonetters The question that we pose, and pose the champion and 'then " whether and how this tool can' influence the management of relations in Fbk, whereas the objective (of migiorare sharing and communication) and distributed in the future to all users ". Focal
seems to understand what's working and what's FUNNY must be on deck, and if it 'possible to combine the two dimensions. When and what social function must be the instrument, and focus on what features need to promote the use, as only a constant use by desktop users will be able to make more 'useful, systematic, operational and fun.
Another question that emerges and 'related to privacy, all data obtained from the platform, just as happens with all the technological tools, are collected and stored, then you are working on a Privacy Polis be submitted to future users , which will be 'explained how the data collected will be used (as an aggregate and anonymous) and that purpose will be spent.
After this first meeting, finally mangiaaaaaaaaaaa! But the encounter is not 'ended, continuing the exchange of opinions, advice, I try my prospective interviewees, prospective respondents are trying to understand what I'm doing them, are open questions on the shooting platform ... etc. At 11.30
ends breakfast, Ogun returns home office and there is a Boom of activities' carried out on the platform by the champion.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Caldwell Banker License
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Stage organized by Evelina Mattucci at:
New Rainbow Dance
via casola 23 / d
Avenza - Carrara (MS)
Program: from 13.30 to 15.30
beginner / intermediate - the study of the technique
15.30 18.30 to intermediate / advanced level - the study of movements in space, introduction to the meaning and potential of the gesture in the dance
for info 328 0394641 Evelina
New Rainbow Dance 0585 855 151
enrollment by February 21
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
What Is The Best Receiver Brand Denon Or Onkyo
1) Presentation of research, as it is born, as has been done, arrangements will be handled through the data collected, our questions departure. The presentation of the 'interview, and his work, and his views about the role it plays, the atmosphere we breathe using tools etc. ...
2) Questions about the "recruitment", as was the case, orally or informally via e-mail invitation, and then more formal ? It has been proposed as a champion, or was invited ? What were the initial expectations (and have been disappointed), what reasons led him to accept an interest in the project ?
He decided to become champion because:
-Am was invited by the programmers and I am intrigued.
-To do a favor for programmers.
-I have been informed by other Champon and I am intrigued.
-I heard about it and I'm interested.
-I inform you of the news and I always like to attend.
First login: first impression, the platform is curious, banal, interactive ?
3) Please give us recall some details of his use of the platform in reference all'ulimo month
Highlight implementing two activities more frequently and more rarely two.
-Mando e-mail I read newspaper
-Rierco info from profiles
-Update my profile
-participant discussion forum
send feedback-control events
average, each as access to the internet and the platform ?
-2 / 3 times a week once a week
-1 -2 -1
times a month once a month on average for each access
how long stays connected, and within Platform ?
-More than 5 hours
-3 to 5 hours
-1 hour-less than 30 minutes-less than 10 minutes
semantic differential.
as it is considered an expert in the use of the platform, da1 --------------------- 10
When the platform is problematic, 1 ----------------- ------ 10
{if 1 / 5, and therefore is not problematic because it is not? if 6 / 10 is problematic because it?}
4) Social Platform: presentation list connected only with the login and role, to identify relationships born from the platform: having the card in front of ...
I indicate that 5 people ... more contact 12345
Once the description is asked to indicate for each colleague cited:
degree of friendship between 1 and 10
degree of complicity 1 to 10
able to tune from 1 to 10
ties maintained by the platform:
- all existed before?
- have reinforced?
- have been weakened?
- are born again?
- sn remain virtual?
5) Question privacy and confidentiality of information exchanged:
- What type of information normally considered to be exchanged on a chat?
- There are arguments taboo, which normally does not deal at work, or not dealt with on the platform?
- If they had access also figures "sensitive" (group leaders, directors, heads etc. ...) how to change?
In this respect you are very, very, not at all agree with:
- In a work environment, non-public personal information.
- My boss can access all my information so I do not put sensitive data.
- Not the best way to prefer other ways your personal information.
- talk about anything.
Suggestions? ( not inherent in the computer part of the platform, but the social ):
- He feels the 'need to create a private chatroom, or space theme at the moment?
- According to her, 'useful become invisible?
- Suggest to control and / or restrict access to certain information?